Atenveldt Submissions (excerpted from the S.C.A. College of Arms' Letters of Acceptance and Return)
- Registrations and Returns,November 2020
- Registrations and Returns,October 2020
- Registrations and No Returns,September 2020
- Registrations and No Returns,August 2020
- Registrations and Pends,July 2020
- Registrations and Returns,June 2020
- Registrations and No Returns,May 2020
- Registrations and Returns,April 2020
- Registrations and Returns,March 2020
- Registrations and Returns, February 2020
- Registrations and No Returns, January 2020
- Registrations and Returns,December 2019
- Registrations and Returns,November 2019
- Registrations and Returns,October 2019
- Registrations and Returns,September 2019
- Registrations and Returns,August 2019
- Registrations and Returns,July 2019
- Registrations and Returns,June 2019
- Registrations and Returns,May 2019
- Registrations and Returns,April` 2019
- Registrations and Returns,March 2019
- Registrations and Returns,February 2019
- Registrations and Returns,January 2019
- Registrations and Returns,December 2018
- Registrations and Returns,November 2018
- Registrations and Returns,October 2018
- Registrations and Returns,September 2018
- Registrations and Returns,August 2018
- Registrations and Returns,July 2018
- Registrations and Returns,June 2018
- Registrations and No Returns,May 2018
- Registrations and Returns,April 2018
- Registrations and Returns,March 2018
- Registrations and Returns,February 2018
- Registrations and Returns,January 2018
- Registrations and Returns,December 2017
- Registrations and Returns,November 2017
- Registrations and No Returns,October 2017
- No Registrations and No Returns,September 2017
- Registrations and No Returns,August 2017
- Registrations and Returns,July 2017
- Registrations and Returns,June 2017
- Registrations and Returns,April 2017
- Registrations and Returns,March 2017
- Registrations and Returns,January 2017
- Registrations and Returns,December 2016
- Registrations and Returns,November 2016
- Registrations and Returns,October 2016
- Registrations and Returns,August 2016
- Registrations and Returns,July 2016
- Registrations and Returns,June 2016
- Registrations and Returns,May 2016
- Registrations and Returns,April 2016
- Registrations and Returns,March 2016
- Registrations and Returns,February 2016
- Registrations and Returns,January 2016
- Registrations and Returns,December 2015
- Registrations and Returns,November 2015
- Registrations and Returns,October 2015
- Registrations and Returns,September 2015
- Registrations and Returns,August 2015
- Registrations and Returns,July 2015
- Registrations and Returns,June 2015
- Registrations and Returns,May 2015
- Registrations and Returns,April 2015
- Registrations and Returns,March 2015
- Registrations and Returns,February 2015
- Registrations and Returns,December 2014
- Registrations and Returns,Novembery 2014
- Registrations and Returns,October 2014
- Registrations and Returns,September 2014
- Registrations and Returns,August 2014
- Registrations and Returns,July 2014
- Registrations and Returns,June 2014
- Registrations and Returns,May 2014
- Registrations and No Returns,April 2014
- Registrations and Returns,March 2014
- Registrations and Returns,February 2014
- Registrations and Returns,January 2014
- Registrations and No Returns,December 2013
- Registrations and Returns,November 2013
- Registrations and Returns,October 2013
- Registrations and No Returns,September 2013
- Registrations and Returns,August 2013
- Registrations and Returns,July 2013
- Registrations and Returns,June 2013
- Registrations and No Returns,May 2013
- Registrations and Returns,April 2013
- Registrations and Returns,March 2013
- Registrations and No Returns,February 2013
- Registrations and Returns,January 2013
- Registrations and Returns,December 2012
- Registrations and Returns,November 2012
- Registrations and No Returns,October 2012
- Registrations and Returns,September 2012
- Registrations and Returns,August 2012
- Registrations and Returns,July 2012
- Registrations and Returns,June 2012
- Registrations and Returns,May 2012
- Registrations and Returns,April 2012
- Registrations and Returns,March 2012
- Registrations and Returns,February 2012
- Registrations and Returns,January 2012
- Registrations and Returns,December 2011
- Registrations and Returns,November 2011
- Registrations and No Returns,October 2011
- Registrations and Returns,September 2011
- Registrations and Returns,August 2011
- Registrations and Returns,July 2011
- Registrations and Returns,June 2011
- Registrations and No Returns,May 2011
- Registrations and No Returns,April 2011
- Registrations and Returns,March 2011
- Registrations and Returns,February 2011
- Registrations and Returns,January 2011
- Registrations and Returns,December 2010
- Registrations and No Returns,November 2010
- Registrations and No Returns,October 2010
- Registrations and Returns, September 2010
- Registrations and Returns, August 2010
- Registrations and Returns, July 2010
- Registrations and Returns, June 2010
- Registrations and Returns, May 2010
- Registrations and Returns, April 2010
- Registrations and Returns, March 2010
- Registrations and Returns, February 2010
- Registrations and Returns, January 2010
- Registrations and Returns, December 2009
- Registrations and No Returns, November 2009
- Registrations and Returns, October 2009
- Registrations and Returns, September 2009
- Registrations and Returns, August 2009
- Registrations and Returns, July 2009
- Registrations and Returns, June 2009
- Registrations and Returns, May 2009
- Registrations and Returns, April 2009
- Registrations and Returns, March 2009
- Registrations and Returns, February 2009
- Registrations and Returns, January 2009
- Registrations and Returns, December 2008
- Registrations and Returns, November 2008
- Registrations and Returns, October 2008
- Registrations and Returns, September 2008
- Registrations and Returns, August 2008
- Registrations and Returns, July 2008
- Registrations and Returns, June 2008
- Registrations and Returns, May 2008
- Registrations and Returns, April 2008
- Registrations and No Returns, March 2008
- Registrations and No Returns, February 2008
- Registrations and Returns, January 2008
- Registrations and Returns, November 2007
- Registrations and Returns, October 2007
- Registrations and Returns, September 2007
- Registrations and Returns, August 2007
- Registrations and Returns, July 2007
- Registrations and Returns, June 2007
- Registrations and Returns, May 2007
- Registrations and NO Returns, April 2007
- Registrations and Returns, March 2007
- Registrations and Returns, February 2007
- Registrations and Returns, January 2007
- Registrations and Returns, December 2006
- Registrations and NO Returns, November 2006
- Registrations and Returns, October 2006
- Registrations and Returns, September 2006
- Registrations and Returns, August 2006
- Registrations and Returns, July 2006
- Registrations and Returns, June 2006
- Registrations and Returns, May 2006
- Registrations and Returns, March 2006
- Registrations and Returns, February 2006
- Registrations and Returns, January 2006
- Registrations and Returns, November 2005
- Registrations and Returns, October 2005
- Registrations and Returns, September 2005
- Registrations and Returns, August 2005
- Registrations and Returns, July 2005
- Registrations and NO Returns, June 2005
- Registrations and Returns, May 2005
- Registrations and Returns, April 2005
- Registrations and Returns, March 2005
- Registrations and Returns, February 2005
- Registrations and Returns, January 2005
- Registrations and Returns, December 2004
- Registrations and Returns, November 2004
- NO Registrations and NO Returns, October 2004
- Registrations and Returns, September 2004
- Registrations and Returns, August 2004
- Registrations and Returns, July 2004
- Registrations and Returns, June 2004
- Registrations and Returns, May 2004
- Registrations and Returns, April 2004
- NO Registrations and NO Returns, March 2004
- Registrations and Returns, February 2004
- Registrations and Returns, January 2004
- Registrations and Returns, December 2003
- Registrations and Returns, November 2003
- Registrations and Returns, October 2003
- NO Registrations and NO Returns, September 2003
- Registrations and Returns, August 2003
- Registrations and Returns, July 2003
- Registrations and Returns, June 2003
- Registrations and Returns, May 2003
- Registrations and Returns, April 2003
- NO Registrations and NO Returns, March 2003
- Registrations and Returns, February 2003
- Registrations and Returns, January 2003
- Registrations and Returns, December 2002
- Registrations and Returns, November 2002
- Registrations and Returns, October 2002
- Registrations and Returns, September 2002
- Registrations and Returns, August 2002
- Registrations and Returns, July 2002
- Registrations and Returns, June 2002
- NO Registrations and NO Returns, May 2002
- Registrations and Returns, April 2002
- Registrations and Returns, March 2002
- Registrations and Returns, February 2002
- Registrations and Returns, January 2002
- Registrations and Returns, December 2001
- Registrations and NO Returns!, November 2001
- Registrations and NO Returns!, October 2001
- Registrations and Returns, September 2001
- Registrations and Returns, August 2001
- Registrations and Returns, July 2001
- Registrations and Returns, June 2001
- Registrations and NO Returns!, May 2001
- Registrations and Returns, April 2001
- Registrations and Returns, March 2001
- Registrations and Returns, February 2001
- Registrations and Returns, December 2000
- Registrations and Returns, November 2000
- Registrations and Returns, October 2000
- Registrations and Returns, August 2000
- Registrations and Returns, July 2000
- Registrations and Returns, June 2000
following submissions were registered by the S.C.A. College of Arms,
October 2009:
bint Malik. Name.
as Yasmeen bint Malik, the only documentation provided for the
variant spelling Yasmeen was a reference to a previous
registration, from 1985. Past registration is no guarantee of current
registerability, especially when the previous registration was made
nearly 25 years ago. Several Middle Eastern forms of Jasmine
are listed in Whitcher and Uckelman, "Concerning the Names
Jasmine, Yasmin, Yasaman, and the Like", including Arabic
al-Y{a-}sam{i-}n, Turkish Yasemin, and Persian
Y{a-}saman. None of these forms omit the intervocalic
syllable, so it is unlikely that Yasmeen is a plausible period
variant. The submitter cares most about Arabic language/culture,
which means that the form al-Y{a-}sam{i-}n, or al-Yasamin
without the long vowels marked, is most appropriate. We have changed
the name to al-Yasamin
bint Malik in order to register it.
Malik is on the List of Alternate Titles as the approved
Arabic alternate title for 'king', there was some question whether
the byname bint Malik is presumptuous. It is not. Precedent
says: Malik 'Abd alRahman. Name. This was pended from the April
1997 LoAR for more information as to whether the name was
presumptuous. While Malik (in the original Arabic) is a documented
name, one of the transliterations of the Arabic word for king is
transliterated in the same way. To answer this question, we quote
al-Jamal: “. . .the grammar of Arabic would keep the name Malik
`Abd alRahman from being considered a claim to being an `Abd
al Rahman who was a king. A "King `Abd alRahman"
would be al-Malik `Abd alRahman; the king
`Abd alRahman. The nonuse of the article here takes the
name out of the realm of presumption. (Even addressing the king
directly would use the article: not Ya malik ("oh,
king"), but Ya al-Malik (the effective equivalent of
"your Majesty"). Only when speaking of kings generally or
impersonally would one drop the definite article.) All of the Arabic
alternate titles work this way. For example, in the SCA I am not
Shayk Da'ud or Mu'allim Da'ud. The proper usage is ash-Shayk Da'ud or
al-Mu'allim Da'ud. Ansteorra's current king is not Sultan (or Malik)
`Abd alMahdi, he is as-Sultan (or al-Malik) `Abd alMahdi.”
Having received assurance that the name is not presumptuous, we see
no reason not to register it. [08/1997]
the definite article al- before Malik, the byname
cannot be interpreted as 'daughter of the king', so it is not
Pabodie. Name and device. Gyronny of six palewise sable and
argent, on a chief gules a griffin contourny Or. Submitted as
Aneirin Peaboadie,
Aneirin was documented as a 13th C spelling of the name of a
6th C Welsh poet. No evidence was provided that this name was still
in use during the 13th C, and lacking such evidence, a 13th C
spelling is not registerable. A similar name, Anerain, is
dated to 1292 in Francis Jones, "The Subsidy of 1292 [covering
Abergavenny and Cilgerran]", Bulletin of the Board of Celtic
Studies, 13. No documentation was provided, and none could be
found by the commenters, that Peaboadie is a plausible variant
spelling of the English byname Peabody, at any period. The
submitter indicated that if Peaboadie wasn't registerable, he
preferred the spelling Pabodie. This spelling can be found in
the IGI Parish Record extracts, in the entries of Margaret
Pabodie, mar. Nicholas Belche, 01 Dec. 1588, St. Mary Somerset,
London, and Richarde Pabodie, mar. Margaret Harison, 11 Nov.
1582, St. Mary Somerset, London. We have changed the name to
Anerain Pabodie
in order to register it.
of Wolfetwain. Badge. (Fieldless) In pale a tree issuant from
a wooden bucket all proper.
Nanni. Device. Or, on a pomme a sunflower proper, a bordure
Ultaig. Name. Submitted as Cú Cathán
Ultaig, the LoI documented the compound given name Cú Cathán
on the basis of the numerous Cú X given names found in Mari
Elspeth nic Bryan, "Index of Names in Irish Annals",
specifically the example of Cú Ríán, which apparently uses
the masculine given name Ríán as the second element. Rowel
provides further information about Cú X given names: In
<Cú [X]> style names, the overwhelming majority of the [X]
elements are geographical references: either formal placenames (such
as <Cú Muman> 'hound [of] Munster') or toponymic descriptions
(such as <Cú Lacha> 'hound [of the] Lake'). (It is important
to note that, in both of these examples, the word following <Cú>
is in the genitive case. The nominative form for 'Munster' is <Muma>
and the nominative form for 'Lake' is <Loch>.) So far, I've
only found two examples where the [X] in a <Cú [X]> style name
could even possibly be a man's given name and in both cases that
origin is actually pretty unlikely. One name (<Cú Dubhán>)
is a standard diminutive of an existing name (<Cú Dubh>), and
so cannot be reliably viewed as support for this construction; it's
probable that it is merely a diminutive of the existing name. The
other name (<Cú Ríáin>) has a final element that is hard to
pin down. The experts are split on it's [sic] origin. Some assert
that it means "<Ríán>'s hound". However, per the
DIL gives the genitive of <rian> as <rein> - but that
does not match the genitives found in The Annals of the Four Masters.
Some sources assert the second element in <Cú Ríáin> derives
from a form of <righ> 'king'. So, the root of the second
element may be a given name but it at least as probable (or more so)
that it is a conjugated form of a regular word. A number of <Cú
[X]> names are formed from locatives, so it is also possible that
the root is some form of a formal placename. Given this
information, I have to unfortunately conclude that we don't have
solid evidence that period <Cú [X]> style names would be
formed based on a man's given name. Lacking such evidence, Cú
Cathán is not registerable. The simple given name Cathán
is, however; it is dated between 914 and 1036 in Mari's article cited
above. We have changed the name to _Cathán Ultaig in order to
register it.
of Anglesey. Name change from holding name Cerdic of Atenveldt
and badge. (Fieldless) A triskele per pale sable and argent.
byname of Anglesey is a lingua anglica form of the byname æt
Angles ege. Angles ege is dated as a late 11th C, Old
English form in Bosworth Toller, Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, s.n.
Angles eg.
instruct the submitter to draw the arms of the triskele somewhat more
substantially, so that it is more easily recognized.
of Mons Tonitrus. Holding name and device (see RETURNS for name).
Argent, a rapier bendwise surmounted by a fleur-de-lys azure.
under the name David Maurice.
MacKintoch. Device. Sable, a
bend vert fimbriated Or, in sinister chief a sinister wing with a
hand issuant sustaining a sword bendwise argent.
haukr. Name. The submitter requested authenticity for 10th C
Viking/Old Norse. While we have not found any examples of haukr
'hawk' being used as a byname, there are many examples of bird
bynames in Landnámabók, which covers the late 9th C through
the early 11th C, including kráka 'crow', sp{o,}rr
'sparrow', hani 'rooster', hegri 'heron', Hrafna-
'raven-', Kaða- 'hen-', korpr 'corbie', pái
'peacock', skarfr 'cormorant', titlingr 'sparrow', and
{o,}rn 'eagle'. Thus, haukr seems completely plausible
for his desired period.
av Morktorn. Reblazon of badge. Or, a tower sable within seven
mullets in annulo vert.
when registered, in February 1981, as Or, a tower sable with seven
mullets in annulo vert, we have specified the relative position
of the tower and annulets.
Rose Tennepenny. Name and device. Per chevron purpure and Or,
two horseshoes inverted Or and a thistle proper.
as Norah Rose Tenpenny,
no documentation was provided, and none could be found, that Norah
is a period spelling. The spelling Nora is found in English;
Nora is dated to 1379 in Bardsley, A Dictionary of English
and Welsh Surnames, s.n. Manning, and Edelweiss cites from the
IGI Parish Record abstracts Nora Bernardi, bap. 15 Oct. 1578,
Landewednack, Cornwall, and Nora Irish mar. Cornwall Denys, 25
Jan. 1562, East Newlyn, Cornwall, as well as William Tennepenny
bap. 02 March 1549, Holt, Worcestershire.
submitter requested authenticity (for an unspecified
language/culture). No dated examples of Tenpenny were provided
on the LoI; we have changed the name to Nora
Rose Tennepenny to make the name
authentic for 16th C English.
noted that the black and white emblazon and the colored emblazon were
different. While section V.B.2.e of the Administrative Handbook,
requires "an accurate representation of each piece of submitted
armory," it goes on to say that "The colored copy must be a
scan of the original," without mentioning that the black and
white must be. The colored emblazon appears to be a scan of the
submission form. While there are minor differences between the
emblazons, they fall well within the realm of artistic license.
Broghammer. Badge. (Fieldless) An ermine spot azure ermined
precedent, ermine spots are considered to be a single charge for
purposes of a fieldless design:
ermine spot is considered a single charge, and is acceptable for
fieldless badges [Eduard Halidai, July, 1992, pg. 3]
Broghammer. Badge. (Fieldless) A sinister wing with a bird's
foot issuant azure maintaining an ermine spot Or.
following submissions were returned by the College of Arms for
further work, October 2009:
of the Jacs. Badge. Per chevron inverted throughout ployé
embattled sable and argent, in chief in pale a cubit arm issuant from
sinister proper and a she-monkey statant affronty, arms raised,
fesswise Or.
badge is returned because it is not blazonable, as required by
section VII.7.b of the Rules for Submissions, which says "Any
element used in Society armory must be describable in standard
heraldic terms so that a competent heraldic artist can reproduce the
armory solely from the blazon." The field is not per chevron
inverted throughout, which would issue from much higher on the
sides of the field. Per chevron lines of division, in period, were
drawn to evenly divide the field into two parts of roughly the same
badge is also returned for obtrusive modernity. Throwing a
monkey-wench into the gears, while a fine pun, is not a suitable
basis for period armorial style. One commenter also noted that she
found the design offensive, being an allusion to masturbation.
this badge is also returned for being non-period style, a violation
of section I.1.b of the Rules for Submissions. The use of multiple
complex lines on the field division, the fesswise orientation of the
monkey, the awkwardness in blazon to describe the position of the
charges, and the overall pictorial design all contribute to this
Maurice. Name.
conflicts with Dafydd Morrison. The given names Dafydd
and David are not significantly different in sound. The
bynames Maurice and Morrison are likewise not
significantly different; Maurice and Morris are
negligibly different in sound, and per RfS V.1.ii.a, the addition of
-son to a given name is not a significant difference in sound.
His device has been registered under the holding name David of
Mons Tonitrus.
Chadwik Richardson. Badge. Per pale argent and azure, a tower
badge is returned for conflict with the badge of Geoffrey Geometer,
Barry wavy argent and azure, a tower issuant from base sable,
and the device of Harold Breakstone, Or, a castle triple-towered
sable, pennants flotant to sinister vert. In both cases, there is
a single CD for the field. In the case of Harold's device, we grant
no difference between a castle and a tower. The badge is also
returned for conflict with the badge of Ofelia della Crusca,
(Fieldless) A tower sable masoned Or maintaining a unicorn's head
issuant from its turrets argent, and the badge of Torric inn
Björn, (Fieldless) A tower sable masoned Or maintaining a brown
bear's head issuant from its turrets proper, both reblazoned
elsewhere on this letter. In both cases, the maintained head does not
count for difference, leaving a single CD for the difference between
a fielded and a fieldless design. Masoning does not count for
difference on charges which are normally constructed out of stone,
such as towers and castles. The submitted badge does not conflict
with the device of Peregrine Anorial of the Further Isles, Gyronny
Or and azure, a brown sandstone tower proper, portaled and lighted
Or. There is a CD for the field. There is another CD for the
difference between brown and black, even though the tinctures are
indexed together in the Ordinary and Armorial.
of Lockehaven. Augmentation. Per pale azure and Or, a candle
argent, sconced sable, enflamed Or, "haloed" argent, the
whole fimbriated counterchanged and as an augmentation in canton a
sun in splendor Or.
augmentation is returned because the arms to which it is attached are
a change to her currently registered arms. A change of arms must be
submitted as a separate action and fees paid for it. Specifically, in
her registered device, the flame on her candle is proper, not Or.
augmentation is also returned because the argent halo around the
flame of the candle is not blazonable. The argent halo does not
appear in her registered emblazon and is, therefore, not
grandfathered to her.
on submissions of augmentations says:
is returned as the base device is being changed as well as the
augmentation, with the dragon's claws changing from in pall to in
pall inverted, but no paperwork was received for the change of the
unaugmented device. This was intended to be solely a change in
augmentation; however, as emblazoned, the submission also included a
change in the base coat as well as the change in augmentation. These
are two separate but not independent actions. If the submitter wishes
this device, she will need to resubmit with a device change and an
augmentation change. If she wishes to change only the augmentation,
she will need to resubmit the augmentation change with the emblazon
matching her currently registered base coat . . ." [Minowara
Kiritsubo, April 2006, R-Atlantia]
this argent halo does not appear in her registered device and because
the newly submitted emblazon has an Or flame, not a (pre-1985
style) proper flame, this submission must also be returned
administratively, since a change of device was not also received. If
the submitter wishes an Or flame on the candle, we must receive a
change of device form. If the submitter wishes a proper flame,
it may drawn either as on a flame, a flame or as alternating
tongues of gules and Or flames, as the former depiction is
grandfathered to her.
direct the submitter to the April 1995 Cover Letter, for an
explanation and depictions of how period flames proper are drawn.