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Kingdom of Atenveldt
Atenveldt Submissions (excerpted from the S.C.A. College of Arms' Letters of Acceptance and Return)
ATENVELDT REGISTRATIONS by the College of Arms, October 2003: Ævarr Brynjólfsson. Name change from holding name Scott of Tir Ysgithr and device. Per chevron argent and azure, two bearded axes in saltire sable and a wolf sejant ululant contourny argent. Alexandria Le Fevre. Name. Submitted as Alexandria LeFevre, no documentation was presented & none was found that LeFevre is a plausible period form. Aryanhwy merch Catmael's article "French Surnames from Paris, 1421, 1423 & 1438" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/paris1423surnames.html) dates the form Le Fevre to 1421, 1423, and 1438. This article also dates the form Lefevre to 1421. As the first of these forms preserves the capitalization shown in the submitted form of this name, we have registered this name using that form.
Ann Busshenell of Tylehurst. Device. Gules, three bendlets abased argent each charged with a bendlet azure in sinister chief an hourglass argent charged with a needle sable. Her previous armory submission was very similar to this but was blazoned as using bendlets abased azure fimbriated argent. That submission was returned for using fimbriated charges that were not in the center of the design, which is forbidden by RfS VIII.3. The submission is blazoned as using bendlets each charged with a bendlet, and is proportioned acceptably for that blazon. Per the LoAR of February 2000, "In this case the blazon can make a difference: while you cannot 'blazon your way out of' a conflict, you can 'blazon your way out of' a style problem." In the colored-in full-sized emblazon, the bendlets are identifiable as bendlets (rather than part of a complicated bendy field), and are not debased so far as to be unregisterable. Ann du Bosc. Name. Listed on the LoI as Anne du Bosc, the submission form showed the given name as Ann. We have made this correction. Baldric der Krieger. Name. Cionaodh MacFee. Name and device. Per bend sinister gules and azure, a hawk reguardant contourny and an orle argent. Submitted as Cináed MacFie, this name combined the Middle Irish Gaelic (c. 900 to c. 1200) given name Cináed with MacFie, which was documented as an undated byname in Scots (a language closely related to English). No support was found for the submitter's desired form MacFie as a period form. Aryanhwy merch Catmael found dated forms of this byname in Black: The dated forms of the byname with two syllables that Black has are <mcphe> 1531, <McFee> 1541, <McFeye> 1585. Unfortunately, this doesn't support <McFie>. Based on these examples, MacFee is the closest supportable spelling to the submitted MacFie. We have changed the byname to this form in order to register this name. As submitted, this name had one weirdness for combining Gaelic and Scots in a name. There was also a weirdness for a temporal disparity of greater than 300 years, since the given name dates to pre-1200 and the submitted form of the byname is only documented post-period. We have changed the given name to the Early Modern Irish (c. 1200 to c. 1700) form Cionaodh in order to remove the temporal disparity from this name. Thereby, having only the single weirdness for the lingual combination of Gaelic and Scots, this name is registerable. The bird was blazoned as a falcon on the Letter of Intent, but the submitter's blazon calls the bird a hawk. The emblazon will serve for either bird, so we used the submitter's preferred term. Hallbjorg hin miskunnarlausa. Device. Per chevron inverted purpure and sable, a chevron inverted between two unicorns addorsed argent and a wyvern displayed head to sinister Or. Lughaidh Cruitire. Name. Submitted as Lughaidh Cruidire, the form Cruidire, meaning 'harper', is an Old Irish Gaelic (c. 700 to c. 900) form. As the submitter requested authenticity for 14th C, we have changed this byname to the Early Modern Irish (c. 1200 to c. 1700) form Cruitire. Maddelena Delamour le Vrai. Name change from Madeleine Delamour le Vrai. Submitted as Maddelena du Lamour Vrai, this item was submitted as a name change from the submitter's currently registered name. The LoI listed her currently registered name as Madeleine du Lamour Vrai. However, her name was registered in June 1998 as Madeleine Delamour le Vrai. Elements of a previously registered name are only grandfathered to the submitter in the exact form in which they were registered. As no documentation was provided and none was found for the byname du Lamour Vrai, we have changed the byname in this submission to match her previously registered byname in order to register this name. Her previous name, Madeleine Delamour le Vrai, is released. Masala al-Raqqasa. Name change from holding name Masala of Atenveldt. Submitted as Masala al-Raqq{a-}sa al-Dilhiyya, the elements raqq{a-}s and dilh{i-} were documented from A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, Third Printing, Hans Wehr, edited by J. Milton Cowan, MacDonald and Evans Ltd., London, 1980), p. 354 and p. 296 respectively. This source is not included in the Administrative Handbook, Appendix H, "Books That Do Not Require Photocopies to Laurel". As such, photocopies are required with this submission. As no photocopies were provided, these elements are not documented and this submission must be returned. Since the source cited for these elements is a modern dictionary, there was concern that these elements, particularly dilh{i-}, may not be period forms. The College was able to provide documentation for al-Raqq{a-}sa. However no documentation was found to support al-Dilhiyya as a plausible byname in period. Lacking such evidence, al-Dilhiyya is not registerable. As the submitter allows major changes, we have dropped this element in order to register this name. An additional issue noted by al-Jamal is that diacritical marks are not used throughout the name. They are included in the byname al-Raqq{a-}sa and omitted elsewhere. Diacritical marks must be used or omitted consistently. As they are omitted from the rest of the name, we have dropped from al-Raqq{a-}sa. Rachel Ashton. Device reblazon. Or, three irises one and two purpure slipped vert. The original blazon, Or, three irises purpure, cupped vert, did not correctly specify the arrangement of the irises. In addition, the blazon was changed to be more descriptive. The irises "cupped" had a bit of green where the petals came together and some slip beneath that. Ricchar of Londinium ad Rubrum Flumen. Holding name and device (see RETURNS for name). Per saltire azure and sable, a drakkar and a bordure embattled argent. Submitted under the name Ricchar Terrien the Goth. Sara Boone. Name and device. Gules, an increscent a decrescent and an owl argent. Seamus Sinclair. Name change from Shamus Sinclair. His previous name, Shamus Sinclair, is released. Sely Bloxam. Name change from holding name Jerrine of Tir Ysgithr. Submitted as Sely Bloxsom, no documentation was presented and none was found that Bloxsom is a plausible period variant of Bloxam. Bloxam is dated in Reaney and Wilson (s.n. Bloxam) to 1279 in the name of Alexander de Bloxam. We have changed the byname to use the period form Bloxam in order to register this name. Silvia la Cherubica di Viso. Badge. Argent, three fleurs-de-lys gules and a bordure invected azure. Varr the Silent. Name. Submitted as Var the Silent, the documentation for the given name Var provided in the LoI was "an Old Norse masculine given name found in King Hrolf and his Champions, cited in 'A Collation of Viking Names,' Stephen Francis Wyley (http://www.angelfire.com/wy/svenskildbiter/Viking/viknams3.html#Male%20U)." Gunnvör silfrahárr provided the following information regarding this source and the name Var: It is claimed that the name originates from "King Hrolf and his Champions", so turning to Hrólfs saga kraka ok kappa hans (http://www.snerpa.is/net/forn/hrolf.htm) we find that the correct Old Norse form of the name is <Varr>. This saga is *not* a particularly reliable source for name usage, since it is one of the mythical-heroic sagas. Taking the name from the Anglicized version used in an English translation of Hrólfs saga kraka is undoubtedly how Wyley (and thus the submitter) arrived at the incorrect spelling of the name. I'd suggest always double-checking any names from Wyley vs. other sources (as Atenveldt did do) and if that fails, check vs. the Netútgáfan website (http://www.snerpa.is/net/fornrit.htm) for the specific saga. Gunnvör also found examples of forms of this name in Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (Lena Peterson. Nordiskt runnamnslexikon. Språk- och folkminnes-institutet. http://www.dal.lu.se/runlex/index.htm). We have changed the submitted Var to the Old Norse form Varr in order to register this name. The byname the Silent is a reasonable Lingua Anglica form of the Old Norse descriptive byname þegjandi 'silent'.
ATENVELDT RETURNS by the College of Arms, October 2003: Æsa gullhrafn. Name. No documentation was presented and none was found to support gullhrafn 'gold-raven' as a plausible byname in Old Norse. The Old Norse byname gullskeggr 'gold-beard', cited in the LoI, shows a physical description referring to the color of a man's beard. It does not support an Old Norse byname constructed [gold] + [animal]. Gunnvör silfrahárr provided a copious list of Old Norse bynames referring to animals and summarized her findings: On the byname <gullhrafn>, if we examine the recorded bynames from sources such as Landnámabók and the runic inscriptions, those that do contain animal names are overwhelmingly the animal name only. Otherwise the animal name is combined with a word describing a body-part. There are no <animal + adjective> or <adjective + animal> by-names in these sources. Lacking evidence that gullhrafn is a plausible byname in Old Norse, it is not registerable. Ricchar Terrien the Goth. Name. Regarding the byname Terrien, the LoI stated: Terrien is a French byname, "man of the earth," which even in a very early period (5th to 9th C.) would suggest a common profession of the time, such as farmer (Bahlow, p. 566 s.n. Terre). However, the College was unable to find this entry in Bahlow. Also, they found no support for Terrien except as a modern surname. Lacking evidence that Terrien is a plausible byname in period, it is not registerable. No documentation was provided in the LoI for the byname the Goth and the College found no support for the Goth as a plausible byname in period. Lacking such evidence, this byname is not registerable. His armory has been registered under the holding name Ricchar of Londinium ad Rubrum Flumen.