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Kingdom of Atenveldt
Atenveldt Submissions (excerpted from the S.C.A. College of Arms' Letters of Acceptance and Return)
The following submissions were registered by the S.C.A. College of Arms, August 2007: Adaliza Fitz Symmons. Name (see RETURNS for device). Submitted as Adalize Fitz Symmons, the spelling Adalize is a Latin form in an inflected case, most likely dative, but possibly genitive. We only register given names in the nominative case; in this case, the expected form is Adaliza. We have changed the name to Adaliza Fitz Symmons to correct the grammar. Calandra Raleigh. Name and device. Argent, on a pile between two roses vert in pale, a rose argent and a lark Or. This name mixes Italian and English; this is one step from period practice. The question was raised whether the name Calandro, of which Calandra is a feminization, was ever used by humans. David Herlihy's article, "Florentine Renaissance Resources:Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532" (http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte), lists 10 examples of the name Calandro. Elena Stavraki. Device. Or, an ankh and a chief enarched azure. Gwenllyan verch Wilkin. Device. Vert ermined, a domestic cat statant guardant and on a chief embattled Or three crosses formy vert. Please ask the submitter to draw the embattlements deeper. Henry Erwaker. Name (see RETURNS for device). Submitted as Henry Erricker, Erricker is an undated secondary header form in Reaney and Wilson, A Dictionary of English Surnames, s.n. Earwaker. For an undated header form in this work to be registerable, it must be shown to be consistent with period spellings. None of the dated forms in this entry, nor any forms in Bardsley, A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames, s.n. Earwaker, show any period spellings that do not include the "w". The closest dated form we found to the submitted spelling was in Reaney and Wilson: Edmundus Erwak'. The apostrophe is almost certainly a scribal abbreviation for "-er". We have changed the name to Henry Erwaker in order to register it. Imma Kaillewey. Device. Per pale indented gules and purpure, a needle bendwise sinister and a bordure argent. Isibel sverðaspillir. Badge. (Fieldless) A raven displayed within and conjoined to an annulet azure. The use of a bird displayed, other than an eagle, is a step from period practice. Iuliana Muñoz Maldonado de Castile. Device. Gules, a catfish tergiant urinant and a bordure wavy Or. The use of a fish tergiant is a step from period practice. John Read. Name. This name does not conflict with the journalist John Reed (1887-1920). The name is a common period name and none of the commenters felt the journalist was important enough to protect. Kazimer Valentov. Name and device. Per chevron inverted sable and azure, in chief a tree blasted and eradicated argent. The name appearing on the external LoI is different from the one on the internal LoI, but no mention of this change was made on the external LoI. In this case, the change was made on the request of the submitter. Submission heralds, please note, you must note these changes with the information on the LoI; this gives the College of Arms the chance to evaluate the name in light of its full history. This device is clear of Ioseph of Locksley, Vert, a tree eradicated argent, and of the badge for the Middle Kingdom's Order of the Silver Oak, Purpure, an oak tree blasted eradicated argent, fructed Or. In each case there is a CD for changes to the field. Kazimer's tree lies solely on the sable portion of the field; thus it is definitely in chief. Therefore, in each case, there is a second CD for the placement of the tree. Keneric Ollwyttir. Name (see RETURNS for device). Submitted as Cyneric Ollwydtir, there are spelling problems with both the given name and the byname. Harpy explains: "The basic, standard form of the name in Welsh is Cynwrig, with two syllables, but the consonant cluster -nwr- is relatively unstable when Anglicized and one of the directions it can resolve in is to add an epenthetic vowel, hence forms like Keneric, Kenewreik, Kenewreck as seen in Morgan & Morgan. I can't find any examples of the submitted spelling though. Note that Medieval Welsh spellings use initial "k" (as is usual before non-low, non-back vowels. (That is, words that in standard modern Welsh would be spelled with "c" used "k" in Medieval Welsh in contexts where medieval Latin would pronounce a "c" as [s]. This spelling rule avoided ambiguity in indicating the pronunciation.) As spelling became somewhat more regularlized towards the 15-16th century, then general use of "c" ousted the c/k alternation. Use of initial "k" is pretty much the rule in Anglicized forms (again, because English spelling rules would interpret C before Y as [s]). In the data I've seen, Welsh-language forms stick close to the -nwr- spelling, while the variants in the -ndr- and -ner- groups show up in Anglicized forms. All of this together makes the specific spelling "Cyneric" suspect enough to want to see an actual citation of this spelling. "A compound of "llwyd" (gray, brown) and "tir" (land) is quite consistent with known period Welsh place names. While the word-order llwyd+tir is opposite to standard noun-modifier order, it is not uncommon in place-names. Normally, in compounds with this "reverse" word order, the second element is lenited, however this particular example gets more complicated. But backing up for a moment, Examples of names with these elements in these positions include the following (from Charles The Place-Names of Pembrokeshire): Llwydarth, Llwydiarth (gray + ridge) -- p.414f, "Loydarth" 1326, "lloydarth" 1326 Brithdir (speckled + land) -- p.163, "Brithdir" 1343 "By the basic rules of compounding, you'd expect llwyd+tir to form a compound "Llwyd-dir" but here's where the complications come in because the combination "-d+d-" in Welsh undergoes a sound change called provection and instead results in "-t+t-", i.e. "Llwyttir". (See Evans A Grammar of Middle Welsh section 17.a.i.) "The following are the locative bynames in my database that include the Welsh preposition "o" (from): orhalt (o'r Allt - from the slope) - Merioneth LSR 1292 or Clay (o'r Clai - from the clay) - Bromfield & Yale 1315 or Dol (o'r Dol - from the meadow) - Merioneth LSR 1292 or Glastir (o'r Glastir - from the blue/green land) - Merioneth LSR 1292 Orglyn (o'r Glyn - from the valley) - Ardudwy court records 1325 Orellyn (o'r Llyn - from the lake) - Merioneth LSR 1292 or pant (o'r Pant - from the valley) - Merioneth LSR 1292 "Note that although the general rule seems to be to use this construction only with simple, generic topographic terms, the single example of a compound term is of the form "color + tir" similarly to the submission. On the other hand, the construction universally includes not just the preposition "o" but also the definite article -- that is, it is still being treated as a generic term, not as a proper name. So these examples would support a byname of the form "or Llwyttir". It is also possible to find examples of the form "o + proper name" in genealogies and other situations where the status as a byname (as opposed to a description) is more ambiguous. E.g., from the Brut y Tywysogion "rys o deheubarth" (Rhys from Deheubarth), "trahayarn vychan o vrycheinyawc" (Trahaearn Fychan of Brycheiniog). So there is probably sufficient benefit of the doubt for registering the format "o + proper place name", although I'd consider it less solid. In this case, the place name following the preposition will lenite, thus "o Lwyttir". (While the proposition is sometimes run together with the following noun in Medieval Welsh orthography, I'd tend to advise against it for reasons of clarity except in cases where a high level of historic accuracy is desired.)" References Charles, B.G.. 1992. Place-Names of Pembrokeshire (2 vol.). National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. ISBN 0-907158-58-7 Ellis, T.P. 1924. First Extent of Bromfield and Yale A.D. 1315. Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion, London. Evans, D. Simon. 1989. A Grammar of Middle Welsh. Dublin Inst for Adv St, Dublin. Jones, Thomas ed.. 1941. Brut y Tywysogyon (Peniarth Ms. 20). University of Wales Press, Cardiff. Lewis, E.A. "The Proceedings of the Small Hundred Court of the Commote of Ardudwy in the County of Merioneth from 8 October, 1325 to 18 September 1326" in BBCS Vol.4 Part 2 (May 1928) p.153-166. Williams-Jones, Keith. 1976. Merioneth Lay Subsidy Roll 1292-3. University of Wales Press, Cardiff. We have changed the name to Keneric Ollwyttir in order to register it.
Kolfinna of Bergen. Name (see RETURNS for device). Olaf mj{o,}ksiglandi. Name (see RETURNS for device). Submitted as Olaf mjöksiglandi, the ö character in the byname is a modern typographical convention for an o-ogonek. For purposes of registration, the o-ogonek is transliterated {o,}. We have changed the name to Olaf mj{o,}ksiglandi to follow standard College of Arms transliteration for Old Norse names. Scribes, please note that this letter should be written like an o with a reversed comma attached to the bottom of the letter.
Robert of Bergen. Name and device. Per saltire purpure and sable, a wolf's head erased contourny argent and a bordure argent semy of card piques sable. Please advise the submitter to draw the bordure wider, which will allow the card piques to also be drawn larger.
Romanus Rodrigo. Badge. (Fieldless) An octopus azure charged with a caltrap argent. Shonna Dennyng. Name. Shonna is the submitter's legal given name.
Timothy Blackwell. Name. Nice late-16th C English name!
Viola verch Howell. Name. Submitted as Viola verch Hwyl, the submitter claimed that the spelling Hwyl was found as a standard modern form in Heather Rose Jones's articles "Snapshot of a Cantref: The Names and Naming Practices in a Mawddwy Court Roll of 1415-16" (http://www.heatherrosejones.com/names/welsh/mawddwy1415.html) and "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th C Welsh Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/welsh13.html). An examination of these articles reveals this is not the case -- the standard modern spelling given for this name is Hywel. No documentation was submitted and none found to suggest that Hwyl is a reasonable spelling variant of the name Hywel or that it is an independent Welsh name. The submitter indicated that if the submitted spelling Hwyl was not registerable, she would accept either the 13th C form Howel or the 15th C Howell. Because the given name is documented to the 16th C, the 15th C form is a closer temporal match. We have changed the name to Viola verch Howell in order to register it.
The following submissions were returned by the S.C.A. College of Arms for further work, August 2007: Adaliza Fitz Symmons. Device. Or, a tree eradicated and on a chief embattled vert, a sewing needle inverted and a rapier in saltire Or. This is returned for a redraw due to multiple problems; it is likely that no single problem would have caused this to be returned but the combination of problems is sufficient to warrant a return. The tertiary charges are not centered on the chief, the non-symmetric embattlements on the chief make it appear to be slanted, and the use of two different long pointy objects in saltire causes their identity to be obscured. It is possible that, even correctly drawn, there will be enough confusion between the rapier and the sewing needle to cause a return. Alexandra de la Mer Verte. Badge. Azure, on a pale between two swords inverted argent, three crosses bottony fitchy gules. This badge is returned as the emblazon in OSCAR does not match the emblazon sent to Laurel; the swords have been redrawn and the emblazon recolored. While some leeway with color is allowed due to scanning and monitor displays, the redrawn swords are sufficient cause for return. The recoloring is not at this time cause for return, but we recommend that this practice not be used. Black Stag has shown that, in period, a cross crosslet/bottony fitchy had a bottom limb significantly longer than the other three. Thus these do not need to be blazoned Latin.
Amalie Loreley. Name. Submitted as Amalie Loreley, no documentation was submitted and none found to show that Loreley is a period name for the rock that marks the narrowest part of Rhine river between Switzerland and the North Sea. While this name is well known from legend, according to "Britannica Online" (search.eb.com), s.n. Lorelei, "The essentials of the legend were claimed as his invention by German writer Clemens Brentano in his novel Godwi (1800-02)." Although the submitter asserts that Loreley is a family name found in Seibicke, Volume 3, p. 91, the original passage is not included, the name of the cited work is not included with the documentation, nor were photocopies of the page included with the submission. Metron Ariston notes the following passage in Wilfried Seibicke, Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch I-IV: Loreley w, Name eines Schieferfelsens am rechten Rheinufer oberhalb von St. Goarshausen (Bedeutung etwa `Schieferfelsen, von dem man Ausschau hält'); [d]ie junge, erst von Clemens Brentano (Ballade von der Lore Lay) geschaffene und dann von Eichendorff, Heine u. a. gestaltete Sage von der Hexe oder Fee Loreley beruht auf einer romantischen Umdeutung des Namens in Anlehnung an den Frauennamen Lore," BERGER (s.u.) 172; auch ital. (DE FELICE 1992, 237f.) Bel.: Konstanz 1993 FVN, Ztg. BERGER, Dieter: "Geographische Namen in Deutschland", Mannheim u.a. 1993 (= Duden-Taschenbuch 25) (Loreley, w, Name of slate cliff on the right bank of the Rhine above St Goarshausen (meaning loosely 'a slate cliff from which one has a view') The young singer was first created by Clemens Brentano (ballad of the Lore Lay) and then von Eichendorf, and Heine formed a. Saga of the Witch or Fairy Loreley is based upon a romantic reinterpretation of the name modelled on the woman's name Lore, " BERGER (see below) 172; also ital. (DE FELICE 1992, 237f.) Bel.: Constance 1993 FVN, Ztg. BERGER, Dieter: " geographic names in Germany", Mannheim u.a. 1993 None of this shows that the name, as submitted, is known in our period. Barring documentation that Loreley is a spelling found in period as either a personal or a placename, it is not registerable. If the submitter is interested in a locative based on this rock, we suggest Lurlenberg. A poem by the Minnesinger Conrad Marner written in the 13th C says "Der Nibelungen Hort liegt in dem Lurlenberg" (The Nibelung horde lies in the Lurlenberg). In the 1613, Marquard Freher, Origines Palatinae part II, uses the term Mons Lurlenberg in a section title. In resubmitting, we would suggest Amalie von dem Lurlenberg or Amalie die Lurlenbergerin.
Angus of the Blue Spruce Shire. Name and device. Or, two wooden tankards proper and a spruce tree couped, a bordure embattled azure. No documentation was submitted and none found to suggest that Blue Spruce Shire is a reasonable English placename and, by extension, locative byname. While the submitter demonstrates that the word spruce, meaning the plant, comes from the Middle English pruce (a name for Prussia), no dates for the word spruce meaning the fir tree or plant are provided. The Oxford English Dictionary s.v. Spruce dates the first example of this usage in English to 1670, which is well past our gray period. This device is returned as the emblazon in OSCAR does not match the emblazon sent to Laurel; the bordure is significantly different.
Cera Aghafatten. Name. No documentation was submitted and none found to suggest that the placename Aghafatten was found in period. Mills, A Dictionary of British Placenames, s.n. Aghafatten, dates this name to 1780. As we know of no period spelling for this name, we are unable to register it. We note that even had Aghafatten been found in period, it is likely that the name would be two steps from period practice. First, Aghafatten is an Anglicized spelling for a Gaelic placename; mixing Gaelic and Anglicized Gaelic in a single name is a step from period practice. Second, the given name is Middle Irish, whose orthography is not typically found later than 1200. Given this, there is likely to be more than 300 years between the latest possible date for Cera and the earliest date for Aghafatten. If the submitter is interested in an Old Irish name, we suggest selecting a patronymic byname. This type of byname is the most common type used in Ireland.
Charles the Bear. Household name Casa Libre and badge. Or, a chain fesswise throughout and fracted sable. This name has two returnable problems. First, it is an aural conflict with Liber Herald, registered to the Outlands in January 2003. For non-personal names, the designators do not count for difference for purposes of conflict. Second, no documentation was submitted and none provided by the commenters that this name follows patterns for organized groups of people in Spanish speaking cultures during our period. It is necessary to document a household naming pattern to a culture that uses the language in which the name is submitted. This badge is returned as the emblazon in OSCAR does not match the emblazon sent to Laurel. We note that the links are so close, and so evenly aligned, as to make it impossible to tell that this is a chain and not a complex fess. We recommend that some of the links be drawn more edge-on (which is how they are drawn in the Pictorial Dictionary) would make the chain more identifiable.
Henry Erwaker. Device. Vert, a winged sword all inverted and a bordure embattled Or. This device is returned for a redraw of the wings. The wings in this emblazon issue from the pommel, not the expected quillons (or the blade near the hilt). In addition, the wings appear more wreath-like than wing-like.
Keneric Ollwyttir. Device. Per pale argent and counter-ermine, a ferret rampant gules. This device is returned as the emblazon in OSCAR does not match the emblazon sent to Laurel. We recommend using the ferret depicted in the OSCAR emblazon on resubmission; its tail is much better drawn than on the emblazon sent to Laurel.
Kolfinna of Bergen. Device. Purpure, three horses passant conjoined in annulo and a bordure argent. This device is returned as the emblazon in OSCAR does not match the emblazon sent to Laurel; the bordure is significantly wider in OSCAR. The LoI noted "The same orientation of the horses is seen in the armory of Lí Ban ingen Echtigeirn, registered in October 2000, Argent, three horses passant in annulo sable." This is not the case; the orientation of the horses is different and, more importantly, Lí Ban's horses are not conjoined as are the horses in the submitted emblazon.
Nakada Tadamitsu. Device. Per pale sable and gules, on a pile inverted argent the I Ching symbol "jiji" gules. This device is returned for using an I Ching symbol; these symbols do not appear to have been known to Europeans in period and thus are not registerable. This device is also returned for conflict with the device of Edwin FitzLloyd, Ermine, chaussé raguly vert, a tower gules, and with the badge for the Shire of the Isles, Barry wavy argent and azure, a tower gules. In both cases there is a CD for changes to the field when treating the submitted device as having the field Per chevron per pale sable and gules and argent. The I Ching symbol jiji, as emblazoned here, appears to be a tower gules masoned argent. On a stonework edifice, such as a tower, masoning does not contribute to difference. Thus there is no difference in the primary charges and the submitted device conflicts with Edwin's device and Isles' badge. The submitted device does not violate the ban on using armory that consists solely of an abstract field. For conflict purposes, a field with a pile inverted must also be treated as a per chevron field. However, it is possible to blazon your way out of a style problem, and when considered as a charged pile the I Ching symbol is a tertiary charge (not a sole primary charge).
Olaf mj{o,}ksiglandi. Device. Purpure, a dragon with the head and forequarters of an eagle statant erect maintaining in its foreclaws a claw-headed staff, a bordure engrailed Or. This device must be returned for lack of identifiability. Blazoned on the LoI as a dragon with the head and forequarters of an eagle, none of the remaining dragon anatomy (except the bat-wings, which are more or less generic) allows identification as a dragon. We know of no period dragon with a tail spiked like a stegosaurus, nor with hindlegs of this shape. If the monster, or its parts, cannot be identified, it cannot be registered. If this were resubmitted with the hindquarters of a period dragon, it might be acceptable; should the submitter decide to do this, please ask him to render the posture more heraldically (i.e. with the tail not sticking straight out behind the monster). |