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Kingdom of Atenveldt
Atenveldt Submissions (excerpted from the S.C.A. College of Arms' Letters of Acceptance and Return)
ATENVELDT REGISTRATIONS by the College of Arms, August 2005: Aonghus Marchand. Reblazon of badge. (Fieldless) In fess a scimitar argent sustained by a talon issuant from a sinister wing Or. Originally registered 12/2004 and blazoned (Fieldless) In fess a scimitar sustained by a sinister wing ending in a talon Or, this follows the exemplar of the Marques of Villena (as discussed in the Cover Letter) and should use the preferred blazon. In addition, the tincture of the scimitar has been corrected. Ceit Ailis nic Ardis and Thorolf Gunderson. Household name House Moon and Boar and badge. (Fieldless) In pale a boar passant contourny Or atop a crescent pendant argent. Evan Hawkins. Name. Faoileann inghean Bhaildrin. Name change from Faoileann Baldwin and device. Per bend sinister purpure and vert, a bend sinister between a talbot passant and three hearts argent. Submitted as Faoileann ingen Bhaildrin, this form was recommended by Pelican in November 2004 as a reasonable Gaelic form of her name. Unfortunately, Pelican spoke in error -- the recommended name mixes Middle Irish and Early Modern Irish. The patronymic is an Early Modern Irish form, and the appropriate particle in this case is the Early Modern Irish inghean. We have changed the name to Faoileann inghean Bhaildrin to make the name fully Early Modern Irish. Her old name, Faoileann Baldwin, is released. Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny. Reblazon of device. Azure, in fess a double-bitted axe between two oak leaves, all within a bordure embattled argent. Originally registered 04/1992 and blazoned Azure, a double-bitted axe between two oak leaves, all within a bordure embattled argent, the blazon did not adequately describe the position of the charges. The charges are co-primary; the axe haft is between the oak leaves. Ilona von Neunhoff. Name (see RETURNS for device). Submitted as Ilora von Neunhoff, Ilora was suggested as a spelling variant of the attested Hungarian name Ilona. No documentation was submitted showing why these two names should be spelling variants of each other, and none of the commenters were able to find the name Ilora in any language. Therefore, we have changed the name to Ilona von Neunhoff to match the submitted documentation. This name combines Hungarian and German, which is a step from period practice. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer. Reblazon of badge. Per pale vert and argent, in fess a sword sustained by a talon issuant from an eagle's sinister wing, within a bordure counterchanged. Originally registered 07/1986 and blazoned Per pale vert and argent, an eagle's wing displayed and conjoined in base with an eagle's claw grasping a sword palewise, within a bordure all counterchanged, the wing is a sinister wing and is co-primary with the sword. James Darkstar. Reblazon of household badge for House of the Beached Whale. Or, a compass star elongated to base sable, on a chief triangular azure a sperm whale argent. Originally registered 01/1986 and blazoned Or, a compass star elongated to base sable, on a chief triangular azure a whale argent, the emblazon shows a sperm whale, not a heraldic whale. Katherine Lamond. Reblazon of device. Per saltire argent and gules, three sperm whales contourny one and two, the one in chief sable and those in fess argent. Originally registered 02/2000 and blazoned Per saltire argent and gules, three whales contourny one and two, the one in chief sable and those in fess argent, the emblazon shows sperm whales, not heraldic whales. Loquar of the Dragonlords. Reblazon of device. Sable, a dragon's foot affronty conjoined to a pair of dragon's wings displayed argent. Originally registered 09/1971 and blazoned Sable, issuing from a dragon's foot affronty a pair of dragon's wings argent, we have reblazoned this to clarify the orientation of the wings and to indicate that the wings and foot are co-primary. Marta Brun Hild. Reblazon of device. Per pale vert and argent, two war-axes in saltire and in base two sperm whales respectant in chevron inverted all counterchanged. Originally registered 06/1973 and blazoned Per pale vert and argent, two war-axes in saltire and in base two whales embowed confrontant all counterchanged, the emblazon shows sperm whales, not heraldic whales. Confrontant is not a standard heraldic term; we have substituted the standard term respectant. Sunniva máni. Name and device. Sable, a sun in his splendor argent within an orle ermine. Submitted as Sunniva m{i'}na, the forms shows Sunniva mána. The documentation stated that máni is a masculine byname meaning "moon" found in the Landnamabok; mána was an attempt to feminize it. In Old Norse, only adjectival bynames are femininized; noun based bynames such as máni remain unchanged. We have changed this name to Sunniva máni to match the forms/documentation and to correct the grammar. Svanhild bogsveiga færeyska. Device. Per saltire azure and vert, on a swan naiant contourny reguardant argent, an arrow fesswise reversed vert maintained in the swan's beak, an orle argent. The swan is naint to sinister looking over its back. The head is slightly bent so the the arrow it is holding in its beak lies entirely on its wing and body. Yonatan vom Schwartzfleck. Name and device. Per fess lozengy sable and argent, and argent, a lute fesswise reversed Or and a gunstone. Submitted as Yonatan von Schwartzuberflek, this name was returned in November, 1989, for lack of proof of spelling of the given name and because the byname did not follow known German naming patterns. This name, since it is identical to the original submission, has the same problems as the original submission. The intended meaning of this name is "the great black spot." However, no evidence was found at that time, or now, suggesting that this is a reasonably formed German placename. In the original return, Laurel suggested the toponymic byname Schwartzfleck, meaning black field. For toponymic bynames, the appropriate preposition is vom or von dem (from the). We have changed the name to Yonatan vom Schwartzfleck in order to register it. The submitter also argues that since other Hebrew names that are typically rendered in English with a leading J are transcribed from Hebrew with a Y, that this should be a reasonable spelling for Jonathan. He gives four or so examples of such names. While I am uncomfortable saying that we would expect to find Yonatan in a medieval document, since we have not, in fact, found that spelling, the principle argued by the submitter -- that the J to Y transliteration is common in Hebrew names -- is well established in our rules and in registration practice. Therefore, the variant Yonatan is registerable.
ATENVELDT RETURNS by the College of Arms, August 2005: Ilona von Neunhoff. Device. Plumetty argent and azure, flaunches Or each charged with a hop vine palewise vert, fructed argent. Blazoned as hop poles, no poles are present; these are hop vines. This is returned for conflict with Margaret Anne O'Donnell, Vair, a pair of flaunches Or, each charged with a trefoil vert. There is a substantial difference between a hop vine and a trefoil, which provides a CD; the second CD must come from differences in the field. Woodward in A Treatise on Heraldry - British and Foreign (pp. 71-72) states "Two curious forms of Vair occasionally met with in Italian or French coats are known as 'Plumeté' and 'Papelonné'. In Plumeté the field is apparently covered with feathers. Plumeté d'argent et d'azur, is the coat of CEBA (note that these are the tinctures of Vair). SOLDONIERI of Udine, Plumeté au naturel (but the SOLDONIERI of Florence bore: Vairé argent and sable with a bordure chequy or and azure, TENREMONDE of Brabant: Plumeté or and sable (Plate VIII., fig. 7.) In the arms of the SCALTENIGHI of Padua; the BENZONI of Milan, the GIOLFINI, CATANEI, and NUOVOLONI of Veroni, each feather of the plumeté is said to be charged with an ermine spot sable." Given the discussion above, and the examples of the Solonieri family, vair and plumetty are clearly related to one another. It is unclear with the evidence at hand whether vair and plumetty are artisticallly interchangeable. Giving the submitter the benefit of the doubt and granting that the two are not artistically interchangeable, there's still the question of whether the difference between them is sufficient for a CD under RfS X.4.a (significantly changing the style of the partition of the line). Given Woodward's suggestion that the plumetty field is a form of vair; and given the wide variation in the depiction of vair in period, along with the fact that the internal markings of plumetty are worth no more than diapering we unfortunately must conclude that vair and plumetty are too similar for a CD. They lack the significant change in field partition required by RfS X.4.a for a CD. Thus Illora's device conflicts with Margaret's, with a single CD for changing the teritiary charges. As flaunches appear in the O&A with tierces, the question was raised whether the ban on charged tierces extends to charged flaunches. The answer is no. While tierces, gores, and gussests may not be charged, it is perfectly acceptable to charge flaunches. This has been the case for over 20 years (q.v. BoE, 3 Feb 85, p.7). The cited precedent provides documentation for period armory using charged flaunches. Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf the Younger. Household name Caestus Solaris (see PENDS for badge). There are several problems with this name. The most important is that no documentation was submitted and none found that Caestus Solaris, meaning "gauntlet of the sun" is a reasonable name for an organized group of people in period. The submitter did not state what kind of pattern this name was supposed to follow, so it is difficult to tell what was intended. It does not follow patterns found in names of Roman Legions (which covers most Latin names we have for such groups), and nor does it follow the patterns of English inn-signs (whose names are occasionally found recorded in Latin in period deeds.) The submitters opined that the formation might be valid as a model from an object belonging to the God Apollo, the Roman Sun god, but provided no examples of such names. Barring documentation that this name follows a pattern found for the name of an organized group of people in period, it is not registerable. Of only slightly less importance is the fact that the name has no designator. However, all household names are required to have a designator. Without knowing the model intended for this household name, though, it is difficult to suggest an appropriate designator. While English inns are occasionally found named in Latin in deeds, there is no evidence that the word caestus would be used as a translation for the English gauntlet. The OED gives gantus and wantus as the medieval Latin forms of gauntlet. There are English inn sign names of the form object + object; a Latin translation of "house of the gauntlet and sun" should be registerable. If the submitter is interested in the inn sign name pattern, we suggest Domus Gantis et Solaris. We would make this change, but the submitter will not accept major changes.
ATENVELDT PENDS by the College of Arms, August 2005: Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf the Younger. Badge. Argent, a clenched gauntlet aversant gules, a bordure rayonny quarterly sable and gules. Several commenters noted that this appears to be a charged sun. This is a function of the round badge form used - when displayed on anything other than a roundel this resemblance is non-existent. Under current precedents this conflicts with the Red Hand of Ulster, Argent, a sinister hand appaumy gules, protected as an important non-SCA augmentation for Great Britain. There is a CD for adding the bordure. There is no difference between a hand and gauntlet, no difference between a dexter hand/gauntlet and a sinister hand/gauntlet, and no difference for appaumy vs. aversant. Nor is there a difference between a hand "displayed" and one clenched: "[a dexter gauntlet clenched apaumy vs a dexter gauntlet appaumy] The clenching is an artistic detail which does not contribute difference. (William MacGregor, May 1998 p. 22)". This is being pended to discuss two issues. First, as the Red Hand of Ulster is an augmentation should it be protected only when it appears to be an augmentation? The Glossary of Terms currently lists "A sinister hand appaumy gules on argent canton or inescutcheon"; however, we currently protect this no matter what form it is in. Second, should there be a CD between an open hand or gauntlet and a closed hand or gauntlet? |