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Kingdom of Atenveldt
Unto Olwynn Laurel; Aryanhwy Pelican; Istvan Wreath; and the commenting Members of the College of Arms, Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Parhelium Herald!
The Atenveldt College of Heralds requests the consideration and registration of the following names and armory with the College of Arms. Please note: Unless specifically stated, the submitter will accept any spelling and grammar corrections; all assistance is appreciated.
1. Ælfwin Ironhair: NEW BADGE Per pale gules and Or, two scorpions counterchanged.
The name was registered July 2004.
2. Beatriz Teixeyra Drago: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, April 2009 Gules, a flame and on a chief Or three gouts azure.
The name was registered April 2009.
The original submission, with the same blazon, was returned for redrawing: “ This is returned because the primary charge is not identifiable. Guesses from commentary included a shallot, an onion, and a bulb of garlic”. A redrawing has resolved this problem.
3. Bryce O'Neill: NEW NAME and DEVICE Per chevron azure and gules, on a chevron between three wolves rampant argent, three pairs of battle-axes crossed in saltire gules.
Bryce is an Irish masculine given name dated to the 14th C. in "Names and Naming Practices in the Red Book of Ormond (Ireland 14th Century),” Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn ( http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/lateirish/ormond.html ). O'Neill is the Anglicized spelling of the Irish surname u/a Neill meaning "son of Neill,” found in The Surnames of Ireland, by Edward MacLysaght and cited by the Academy of Saint Gabriel article #1327 by Josh Mittleman.
The client will accept all changes to make the name registerable.
The client will be informed that the chevron should be drawn wider, which would provide more space for the axes. We don't think that the current width is reason to return the submission. Consider Wojciek z Krakowa: Per chevron azure and gules, on a chevron between two crosses formy and an eagle argent a pair of compasses sable. There is one CD for changing the type of all secondaries and one CD for multiple changes (type, number and tincture) to the tertiaries.
4. Caterina Giovanna da Monte: NEW NAME and DEVICE Per chevron azure and gules, three horses rampant in chevron and a fleur-de-lys argent.
Caterina and Giovanna are both Italian feminine given names dated to the 14th C. “Italian Rennaisance Women’s Names,” Rhian Lyth of Blackmore Vale ( http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/italian.html ). Double given names in Italian name constructions were not unheard of late in period. da Monte is an Italian locative surname dated to 14th C. meaning “from the hill, mountain,” found in “Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names” by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek ( www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/venice14sur.html ).
5. Claire de Beaumaris: NEW NAME and DEVICE Or, a triple-towered castle and on a chief embattled azure three swans naiant Or.
Claire is a 16th C. French feminine given name found in "Late Period French Feminine Names,” Aryamhwy merch Catmael ( http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/latefrench.html ). de is a French preposition meaning "of" or "from". Beaumaris is the name of Welsh castle built in 1295. According to www.castlewales.com, the name was originally the Norman French "Beau Marys" meaning "fair marsh." The Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 2053 ( http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/showfinal.cgi?2053+0 ), written to "Anthony of Beaumaris" (registered May of 2001 via Meridies), hypothesizes that the name may have been spelled as Beaumares and states that it is found in the 15th C. recorded in Latinized form as "de Bello Marisco." (The citations come from James B. Johnston's Place Names of England and Wales (London: Bracken Books, 1994 [1915]) s.n. Beaumaris. The author notes "[o]ld forms" of the name Bumaris, Beumarish, and Bywmares. The last is variant of the modern Welsh form, Biwmares. Beumarish is a plausible Middle English spelling.)
The client is willing to accept all changes but prefers the French spelling of Beaumaris. Beaumares is acceptable as a second choice if necessary for registration. (Considering there are over a dozen registrations of Beaumaris and none for Beaumares, I hope that the client's wish can be granted.)
6. Crespin Le Vasseur: NEW NAME The name is French. Crespin is a masculine given name dated to 1592 in “Names Found in Ambleny Registers 1578-1616,” Mari Elspeth nic Bryan ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/Ambleny/MascGivenNamesFreq.shtml ). Le Vasseur is dated to 1594 in the same source ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/Ambleny/SurnamesFreq.shtml ).
The client desires a male name, is most interested in a French name from the late 16th C (specifically 1590s) and will not accept Major changes to the name.
7. Ichijou Ichisaru Sukeaki: CHANGE OF HOLDING NAME from “William of Mons Tonitrus” and NEW DEVICE CHANGE Sable,
a monkey sejant gardant Or. The holding name and currently-registered device were registered January 2006.
The name is Japanese. All documentation from “Name Construction in Medieval Japan” by Solveig Throndardottir. The name construction follows the form: surname + zokumyou (personal name) + nanori. Ichijou is a surname from Historical Surnames Table, pg. 317; dated to 1332, Kamakura period; meaning “Branch/Line/Road”; Ichisaru is a constructed personal name; ichi meaning “one” (dated to 1332, Kamakura period, as part of surname; pg. 210) + saru meaning “monkey” (pg. 169, dated to 1600, period Uncertain). Name parts are less than 300 years apart. Ichi is also found modernly (1983) and still means “one” (pg. 210) so Ichisaru is not unlikely. Sukeaki is found in the Historical Masculine Nanori Table, pg. 353; dated to 1332, Kamakura period, meaning “poet”; 60 years later in the Nanboku period, however, it indicates a High Courtier Official (see same page).
If the new device is registered, the client wishes to maintain his currently-registered device Vert, on a plate a stag's head cabossed sable, on a chief embattled argent a roundel between an increscent and decrescent sable., as a badge.
Consider Kyra Kai ferch Madoc, Sable, a monkey sejant erect affronty, in chief an annulet Or., with one CD for the posture of the monkey and a second CD for removing the annulet in chief. There was one comment that the monkey's body was rather stylized but that it was still identifiable as a monkey; several commenters liked the simple design of it.
8. Isabella Evangelista: NEW BADGE Per bend sinister ermine and checky gules and Or.
The name was registered September 2004.
9. Ívarr haukr: NEW DEVICE Gules, a hawk stooping Or between three arrows argent.
The name appears in the 20 June 2009 Atenveldt Letter of Intent.
10. Melissa de Monstrum Aula: CHANGE OF HOLDING NAME from “Melissa of Atenveldt” Originally submitted as Melissa of Monster Hall, the submission was returned by Laurel in January 2009 for lack of documentation that of Monster Hall is a plausible English locative byname. The LoI documented it as part of a household name registered in January 1973. However, the past registration of the household name does not provide any support for the current registerability of of Monster Hall unless the submitter is a close legal relative of the owner of the household name Monsters of Monster Hall. No evidence was provided that she is, so she cannot claim the grandfather clause: “Karl Thorgeirsson of Wolfstar. No documentation was submitted and none found to suggest that Wolfstar is registerable. Wolfstar is a household name registered in December 1986. Its use here is in the form of a locative byname, but no documentation was submitted and none supplied by the commenters to suggest that it is a reasonable place name in any language compatible with the other parts of the name. If the submitter was a close legal relation (marriage, blood, or adoption) to someone who had this element registered as a byname, then it would be registerable to him via the grandfather clause. However, no documentation was submitted showing that he is eligible for the grandfather clause in this case. Barring documentation that Wolfstar is registerable as part of a name under the current rules for submission (such as via the grandfather clause or through new documentation showing it is a documented byname), it is not registerable. [LoAR 04/2008]” “While the commenters were able to find examples of English place names of the form <place name in English> + hall, including Latymerhall 1360 and Stanewey halle 1430, in Sharon L. Krossa, "A Brief, Incomplete, and Rather Stopgap Article about European Household and Other Group Names Before 1600", no one was able to find any evidence that Monster is a plausible English place name. Lacking such evidence, or alternate documentation that Monster Hall is a plausible English place name, the byname of Monster Hall is not registerable without appeal to the grandfather clause. Her device was registered under the holding name Melissa of Atenveldt. Melissa is the submitter's legal given name.”
The byname is Latin “Monster Court/Hall”. Were this rendered into correct Latin, I believe it would be closer to Aulae Monstri (Hall of the Monster) or Aulae Monstrorum (Hall of Monsters). Aula appears in Italian as “room, hall,” and the Italian for “monster” is monstro. I don't know Italian, but that would likely use a particle like di or maybe della (these elements aren't found in Latin). The bigger question is whether this would be an appropriate byname in either language. One of the restored villas in Pompeii is referred to as “House of the Faun,” and one in Herculaneum is “House of the Stags,” but those seem to be names given them by archaeologists for the art found there rather than what they were referred to by their original owners. One reference that I did find that seems to have the original name of the house is House of the Vettii, which was own by two brothers, A. Vettius Restitutus and A. Vettius Conviva, in “CLAS 220: The Roman House,” compiled by John Porter, University of Saskatchewan ( http://homepage.usask.ca/~jrp638/CourseNotes/romhouse.html ); then again, this might just be a reference to the house based on inscriptions on the building rather than how it might've referred to at the time of its occupation.
The client will settle for the holding name, but I this is an attempt to try and find something less generic and something closer to her household's name (Monster Hall).
11. Mikael Thorson inn irski: NEW DEVICE Azure, a Thor's hammer Or within a mullet voided and interlaced within and conjoined to an annulet argent.
The name appears in the 25 March 2009 Atenveldt Letter of Intent.
The ban on mullets voided and interlaced within and conjoined to annulets was overturned by Laurel in March 2009. This conflicts with the badge submission of 14: Elyn de Hauocmore: Azure, a mullet voided and interlaced, within and conjoined to an annulet argent., which appears in the 15 June 2009 Caid Letter of Intent. However, Elyn also provides a Blanket Letter of Permission to Conflict with her badge, so adding the Thor's hammer, as 1 CD, clears the conflict.
12. Natal'ia Diekova vdova Rabynovicha: NEW NAME CHANGE from Natal'ia Diekova zhena Rabynovicha The original name, Natal'ia Diekova zhena Rabynovicha, was registered August 2003. The name change means “Natal'ia, widow of Diek Rabynovich”. She consulted with Paul Wickenden of Thanet to find the construction that comes closest to her registered name (which means “Natal'ia wife of Diek Rabynovich”), which she wishes to keep as intact as possible, and he suggested this. This is corroborated in his paper “"A Chicken Is Not A Bird": Feminine Personal Names in Medieval Russia” ( http://www.goldschp.net/archive/femnames.html ).
The client desires a female name, and is most interested in the meaning (as the widow of Diek Rabynovich). She will not accept Major changes to the name. If registered, the currently-registered name should be released.
13. Nest verch Rodri ap Madyn: NEW DEVICE CHANGE Per bend sinister azure and vert, a mullet voided and interlaced within and conjoined to an annulet argent and an open book Or.
The name was registered February 2009.
The ban on mullets voided and interlaced within and conjoined to annulets was overturned by Laurel in March 2009. If registered, the client wishes to release her currently-registered device, Azure, a sagittary passant and on a chief argent three crescents azure.
The biggest issue here, with the mullet voided and interlaced within and conjoined to an annulet now allowed to be registered, is whether this arrangement would be considered slot-machine heraldry, as was the case for Micahel Corey in the March 2009 LoAR: Per saltire azure and gules, in pale a pheon inverted within and conjoined to an annulet, and an anchor fouled with its line Or. “This was pended on the July 2008 LoAR to discuss whether the pheon and annulet were in the same charge group. Were they alone on the field, they would be considered a primary charge of a pheon and a surrounding secondary annulet. Commenters pointed out that the definition of a primary charge includes that it be the central, dominant motif. We are ruling that, since the pheon and annulet are not in the center of the design, they should be considered to be in the same group. Therefore, this design has three charges (pheon, annulet, and anchor) in a single charge group, and is returned for violating section VIII.1.a of the Rules for Submission, which says that "three or more types of charges should not be used in the same group."” The March 2009 LoAR Cover Letter reiterated this “charge within an annulet” motif: “A widget within an annulet will continue to be considered a primary widget and a secondary annulet, or a primary annulet and secondary widget, when those charges are the only charges on the field. Which of the two charges is primary depends, as always, on the emblazon. “When both are present in a design as part of a primary charge group, or where they would be expected to be a secondary charge, the widget and annulet will both be considered part of the same group.” In this case, if the mullet and annulet were considered two separate charges rather than a single charge (as in the case of a phoenix, which is a demi-eagle conjoined to a flame, but never counted as those two separate charges), then there are three dissimilar charges in the charge group: the mullet, the annulet and the book. This would be grounds for return.” I find no instance of any type of mullet within an annulet in Papworth's Ordinary, but I am sending this on, to see if members of the College might find this motif in other armories. If nothing else, this begins the discussion of whether this charge combination will be considered a “unified” single charge in the future, or two independent charges that I believe the CoA will be seeing a lot.
14. Osric of Blæcwōd: CHANGE OF HOLDING NAME from “Osric of Atenveldt,” from Laurel February 2007 The original name submission, Osric of Blakwode, was returned for being two steps from period practice. “First, it combines the Old English Osric with the Middle English Blakwode. Second, there is a more than 300 year gap between the latest date we have found for Osric (950 according to charter S 552a in Sean Miller's "Anglo-Saxon Charters" ( http://www.anglo-saxons.net/hwaet/?do=show&page=Charters ) and the earliest date we found a form of the byname (Ekwall, The Oxford Dictionary of English Placenames, has Blakwod in 1280). While the name does appear in Shakespeare's Hamlet, this play was not published until after 1600, nor was evidence found that it was performed before that 1600. This makes the name Osric unregisterable as a literary name from that play.”
The client is using the citation named for documenting Osric as an OE masculine given name dating to 950 AD ( http://www.anglo-saxons.net/hwaet/?do=show&page=Charters ) and this has been a consistent element of his name in previous submissions. [His original name submission was Osric Maximilian Vom Schwarzwald, which was returned in-Kingdom for combining Old English with German name elements.] Blæcwōd is a coined locative byname, combining blaec, “black,” and wōd, “frenzied, wild.” Reaney and Wilson demonstrate similar bynames Blackston, Blackstrode, and Blackthorn, all which come from the element blæc (p. 47, s.n. Blackston, Blackstrode and Blackthorn). Unfortunately, there was a bit of confusion for the other element in the byname, and Old English citations under the surname Wood suggest that wōd is the OE word for “frenzied, wild,” rather than “wood”; the OE term for wood (as in trees and lumber) is wudu (Reaney and Wilson, p. 499, s.n. Woodbridge, Woodfull).
The client desires a male name. Although the client noted that he would not accept Major changes to the name, further consultation with him resulted in this: “Let's go ahead and submit it as Blæcwōd, it being easier for heralds and others to get to at least sound like Blackwood, or Schwarzwald, which is what all this started as....and then use Blæcwudu as a reluctant second choice that would be ok.” He would like a name that sound closer to “wood” than wudu does, and if there is any possibility that Blæcwōd could be justified, he'd be very, very happy.
15. Saba Ó Coilean: NEW NAME and DEVICE Azure,a horseshoe inverted and winged within a bordure Or.
The name is Irish Gaelic. Saba is an Irish masculine name in the 13th C. "The Book of the Dun Cow," (Lebor na hUidre) an early Irish manuscript; it is a fragmentary manuscript, and names in it are pre-1300. Part 1 of the manuscript cites a Saba mac Recma and a Saba macChus ( http://www.ucc.ie/celt/online/G301900/text001.html ). Ó Coilean is an Irish surname documented via MacLysaght's Surnames of Ireland, as a sept of County Limerick, p. 51. It is also found in Wolfe's "Irish Names and Surnames." It is listed as a header in Wolfe, as Ó Coileáin, p. 470 , according to “16th & 17th Century Anglicized Irish Surnames from Woulfe,” Mari Elspeth nic Bryan ( http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/Woulfe/SortedByAnglicizedSpelling_O2.shtml ).The byname is grandfathered to the submitter via the legal relationship with her real-world brother, Phelan Ó Coileáin, registered August 2000. A Letter of Permission to conflict/statement of relationship from Duke Phelan will accompany the submission. The byname should probably be spelled as Coileáin to reflect the correct genitive form, following Wolfe.
The client doesn't care about the gender of the name, and the sound (and spelling) of the given name Saba is the most important aspect to her.
16. Ségán Ó Catháin: NAME and DEVICE SUBMISSION Quarterly vert and sable, a wing argent.
The name is Irish Gaelic. Ségán appears in “Index of Names in Irish Annals: Masculine Given Names,” Mari Elspeth nic Bryan ( http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/ ) as an Oghamic Irish (pre-700) masculine name. Séaghán is a modern form of the name, found in Irish Names by Ó Corráin and Maguire (pp. 163-4 s.n. Ségán). Cathán is a masculine given name also found in “Index of Names in Irish Annals: Masculine Given Names,” as Middle Irish Gaelic and dated 914-1036; the genitive form is shown as Catháin. (There might be a step from period practice in combining Oghamic Irish with Middle Irish Gaelic). Originally submitted as Lughán Ségháncathán, there were several questions as to the construction vs. a “classic” Irish Gaelic name. Upon consultation with the client, he was fine with dropping the first name and using the other elements in a standard construction.
The client desires a male name and is most interested in the meaning of the name, with Ségán and Cathán originally coming from the terms for “hawk” and “battle,” respectively.
17. Seloue McDaid: NEW NAME Seloue is a feminine given name dated to 1202, found in The Anglo-Saxon Heritage in Middle English Personal Names, East Anglia 1100-1399 II, Bo Seltén, p. 134 s.n. Sælufu. I almost think this might be the genitive form of the name Sælufu; I am enclosing a scan of the page and hope it might be useful to those who are far more well-versed than I in Old English. The client is the legal daughter of Seamus McDaid. His name was registered December 1999 and so it can be used by her under the grandfather clause. MacDade/MacDaid is found in Black, p. 485, a Scots family name.
The client desires a female name and is most interested in the sound and spelling of the name. She will not accept Major Changes to the name.
18. Willelmus Macmanus: CHANGE OF HOLDING NAME, “Willelmus of Brymstone,” from Laurel July 2009 The original submission, Willelmus cum manu, was returned for conflict with Willelmus Mann: “Prepositions such as cum do not contribute to difference, and the change of a single letter, from Mann to manu, is not a significant difference in appearance.”.
Macmanus is found in Black's The Surnames of Scotland s.n.Macmanus; it come from the form MacMaghnuis, meaning "son of Magnus." John M'Manis was charter witness at Dunbretane in 1506. As this is a patronymic formation, rather than a byname using prepositions, this should eliminate the original problem. I don't see (or hear) an aural conflict with Willelmus Mann. The client allows no changes; if this name doesn't pass as submitted, he says he is content with his holding name. Further consultation with the client resulted in the following: “ It would be acceptable to change the capitalization, but as far as a changing of the lettering, I would not wish to do so. It has a personal significance. Macmanus or MacManus, either would suffice. And (possibly) McManus, if neither of the former will pass.” Hence, the spelling of the byname cannot be changed. And since Mc- is a scribal abbreviation (see January 2008 LoAR for Hamon MacPhersone: “Submitted as Hamon McPhersone, precedent requires that the scribal abbreviation Mc be expanded before it can be registered. We have changed the name to Hamon MacPhersone in order to register it.”), what would be registered is one of the Mac- forms, closer to the form he desires.
Consider: Liam McManus: this name was registered in October of 1990 (via Ansteorra). Liam is a diminutive of William, and Willelmus is a Latinized form of the same name. Precedent states: “Nebuly raises the issue that Nikolai Kowal is a Latin documentary form of the registered name Kouac Myclos. However, the standard for name conflict against registered names is not whether two names are documentary variants of each other in different languages but rather, "Two name phrases are considered significantly different if they differ significantly in sound and appearance." The exception is diminutives of the same name, which do conflict. The RfS explicitly address Latin versus. vernacular forms, V.I.ii says: "Cum Barba is significantly different from Beard and Witheberd 'with the beard', but Beard is equivalent to Witheberd." In this case, although the two names have the same meaning, they are written in different languages, and are significantly different in sound and appearance. Therefore, they are not in conflict. [Nikolai Kowal, LoAR 01/2005, Æthelmearc-A]” From this ruling, it seems to say that Willhelmus is a documentary form, and would thus likely NOT conflict with Liam. This month's very useful and gratefully-accepted commentary is provided by Bronwen o Gydweli, Helena de Argentoune, Jeanne Marie Lacroix. Kedivor Tal ap Cadugon, Maridonna Benvenuti, Michael Gerard Curtememoire, and Nest verch Rodri ap Madyn.
This letter contains 7 new names, 7 new devices, 2 new badges, 1 new name change, 2 new device changes, 4 holding name changes and 1 device resubmission. This is a total of 24 items, 19 of them new. A check to cover fees will be sent separately.
Thank you again for your great indulgence and patience, your expertise and your willingness to share it.
I remain,
Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy c/o Linda Miku 2527 East 3rd Street; Tucson AZ 85716 atensubmissions.nexiliscom.com Commonly-Cited References Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. Medieval Names Archive. http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ Names Articles. SCA College of Arms. http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names.html Ó Corráin, Donnchadh and Fidelma Maguire. Irish Names. Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames, 2nd Edition, 1976, reprinted 1979. Withycombe, E.G., The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, 3rd Edition. London, Oxford University Press, 1977.