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Kingdom of Atenveldt
Unto Elisabeth de Rossignol, Laurel; Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican; Jeanne Marie Lacroix, Wreath; and the commenting Members of the College of Arms, Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Parhelium Herald! Many thanks to the Caid College of Heralds for hosting a swell KWHSS! Great classes, strange situations (the hospitality suite on the “Quiet Floor”?), lots of folks to meet and greet (and stick names to!). You simply must do this more than once every 18 years! The Atenveldt College of Heralds requests the consideration and registration of the following names and armory with the College of Arms. Please note: Unless specifically stated, the submitter will accept any spelling and grammar corrections; all assistance is appreciated. 1. Angelika von Schwaben: NEW NAME Angelika is the client’s legal given name (current driver’s license photocopy to Laurel). Schwaben is a region of southeastern Germany (Swabia in English). It consists of much of the present-day state of Baden-Württemberg as well as the Bavarian administrative region of Swabia. In the Middle Ages, Baden, Vorarlberg, the modern principality of Liechtenstein, modern German-speaking Switzerland, and Alsace (nowadays belonging to France) were also considered to be a part of Swabia. It was one of the original stem duchies of East Francia, the later Holy Roman Empire, as it developed in the 9th and 10th centuries. ( http://www.swabia.org/index1.htm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swabia ). Albion notes that in general, bynames based on region names in German tended to be ethnic-style bynames, rather than literal locatives and notes that Bahlow doesn't even have an entry for <Schwaben>. (Bahlow also doesn’t have regional names like Baden and the very SCA-popular Scharzwald (Black Forest), which further suggests that regions don’t come into play as locatives.) Although the client much prefers von Schwaben, she will accept if necessary, Angelika von Schwäbisch Gmünd. Schwäbisch Gmünd is a town that lies on the Rems River in eastern part of the German state of Baden-Württemberg. The first settlement in this area was 2nd C. AD, when Roman soldiers settled the nearby Limes and eventually taken over by the Alemans. The city itself, Schwäbish Gmünd, was founded in the 12th C.; it was a Free Imperial City from 1268 until 1803, when it passed to Württemberg ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schw%C3%A4bisch_Gm%C3%BCnd, http://www.weller.to/rub/gmuend/gmuend.htm ). The client will not accept major changes to the name, other than the potential alternative byname. 2. Argyll MacPherson: NEW NAME CHANGE The client’s current name, Archibald MacPherson of Argyll, was registered December 2004. Since that time, he has legally changed his given name to Argyll (current driver’s license photocopy to Laurel; I attest to seeing one of his credit cards as well). He wishes to use his legal given name as his SCA given name. This particular spelling of MacPherson is associated with Donald Macpherson, a rector of St. Columba, Glessrie in 1420 (Black s.n. MacPherson, p. 557). If registered, he wishes to release his currently-registered name. 3. Asiya al-Mubaraka: NEW NAME The name is Arabic, with all elements found in “Period Arabic Names and Naming Practices,” by Da'ud ibn Auda ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/arabic-naming2.htm ). Asiya is a feminine ‘ism (given name). al-Mubarak is a masculine cognomen used as an ‘ism (it means “the blessed, the fortunate”). According to Katherine Throckmorton (herald for the Colleg of Brymstone), this is feminized as al-Mubaraka. The client is not interested in having a patronymic byname, so this term refers directly to her, rather than being the name of her father or being an attribute of her father. The client desires a feminine name and is most interested in the sound and meaning of the name. 4. Asiya al-Mubaraka: NEW DEVICE Argent, in pale a rose gules slipped and leaved vert the slip environed of a crescent azure, a bordure engrailed sable. This blazon seems to more accurately describe the fact that part of the rose (the stem) is within the horns of the crescent. 5. Brian the Pious: NEW NAME Brian is the client’s legal given name. This spelling is also found as an English masculine given name in 1273 (Withycombe, 3rd edition, p. 53). Pious is seen in 1602 and 1603 in the plays Hamlet and Measure for Measure, respectively, according to the COED. A Mr. Pious is found in 1638. "Inhabitants of London 1638. Bridewll Precinct." British History Online, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=32074&strquery=Pious And the epithet was registered November 2006 to Amos the Pious, with the commentary: “There was some question whether the adjective pious was found in English prior to the early 17th C. In fact, the Oxford English Dictionary has a citation in 1595 that applies to a person, "1595 R. PARSONS Conf. Next Succession I. iii. 42 He ordained a mynt with a peculier forme of money to be stamped..& other like acts of a prudent and pious Prince", and one in 1450 that applies to an action "c1450 in H. Anstey Epistolae Academicae Oxon. (1898) I. 294 Oure seide Universith..prayth e same Universyth, of piouse intencione to the worshyp of god, and encrese of holy fayth." 6. Brian the Pious: NEW DEVICE Sable, a tiger rampant Or marked sable and a bordure wavy Or semy of annulets sable. 7. Deletha of Anandyrdale: NEW NAME CHANGE The client’s current name, Catlin of Anandyrdale, was registered February 2002. As there is a plethora of Katherine/Catlin names in her area, and because everyone calls her by her legal given name Deletha, she wishes to change her given name to Deletha (current driver’s license photocopy to Laurel). Johnston (s.n. Annandale) dates the form Anandresdale to 1297. Barbour's poem "The Brus" (early 14th C.) contains the spelling Anandyrdale. The client desires a feminine name. She has also asked if there were a more period form for “of,” that it be used; Albion commented internally that of is the expected vernacular preposition for the end of the 13th C Symon Frayser's "13th & 14th Century Scottish Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/symonFreser/scottish14/) has off Crauford, of Gordoun, of Lorn and others. 8. Felicie de Montbard: NEW NAME Felicie is a feminine given name dated to 1086 in Aragon, Spain ( http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ARAGON%20&%20CATALONIA.htm#_ftn33 ). The Montbard family came from Hochadel in Burgundy, and André de Montbard (c. 1103-1156) was the fifth Grand Master of the Knights Templar and also one of the new founders of the Order. He entered the Order in 1129 and went to Palestine, where he quickly rose to the rank of seneschal, deputy and second-in-command to the Grand Master ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9_de_Montbard ). The town of Montbard in the Brenne Valley, featured a fortified chateau, which offered the Dukes of Burgundy refuge during the Middle Ages; in 1590 the town was beseiged by the Duke of Nemours ( http://www.burgundy-canal.com/v/montbard.html ). The combination of French and Spanish elements is registerable but one step from period practice. The client wishes a feminine name and wishes it to be authentic for 12th C. France (Burgundy). She prefers this particular spelling of the given name, but if necessary will accept Felicia or even Felice. 9. Felicie de Montbard: NEW DEVICE Or, a pink flamingo close contourny proper and in canton a Latin cross gules. 10. Iohn Hambledon: NEW DEVICE Vert, on a pale between two double-bitted battleaxes argent a pawprint azure. The name was registered December 2006. The use of a pawprint is one step from period practice, but it is the only anomaly in this design. 11. Joan Doe: NEW NAME The name is English. Joan is a feminine given name, dated from 1219 onward (“Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames, Introduction,” Talan Gwynek, http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/reaney/ ). Doe is an English family name; Robert le Do(e) is dated 1188-90 (Reaney and Wilson, s.n. Doe). The client desires a feminine name and is most interested in the sound and the meaning of the name (someone who is vaguely anonymous). 12. Joan Doe: NEW DEVICE Per pale argent and sable, an hourglass and in chief two suns eclipsed, all counterchanged. 13. Kylan Gadeberg: NEW NAME Kylan is a masculine given name found (as Kýlan) in “Viking Names found in the Landnámabók,” Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/norse/landnamabok.html ). Gadeberg is the client’s legal surname and is permitted for use under RfS II.4 Legal Names. Because the name isn’t completely ON, we thought it best to drop any diacritical marks. The client desires a masculine name and is most interested in the sound of the name; he will not accept major changes. 14. Levi the Loud: NEW NAME Levi is the client’s legal given name. Levi is also found as a masculine given name in” Jewish Naming Convention in Angevin England,” Eleazar ha-Levi ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/jewish.html ), c.1070 - 1290. Loud is dated to 1242 (William Loud) and earlier forms as Lude, p. 242, Reaney and Wilson s.n. Loud. The client desires a masculine name, and is more interested in the meaning and sound of the name. He will not accept major changes.
15. Loretta de Tonge: NEW NAME Loretta is an English feminine given name dated to 1219, a form of Laurentina, in “Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames,” Talan Gwynek ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/reaney/ ). de Tonge is an English family name. This spelling is found in 1225 in Charter Rolls 1226-1417; 1229 in Patent Rolls 1216-1232; 1321, 1323, 1324 in Calendar of Fine rolls 1272-1299, all listed at http://www.tongefamily.info/resources/medieval_refs.htm ). The client desires a feminine name and is more interested in the sound of the name; she will not accept major changes. 16. Loretta de Tonge: NEW DEVICE Argent, an acorn purpure within a bordure vert.
The arms are clear of Karl von Elfstein der Schmuckmacher, (Fieldless) An acorn purpure., with a CD for the field and one for the bordure. 17. Malachi Tay: NEW NAME CHANGE The client’s currently-registered name, Malkolm Tay, was registered February 2000. Malachi is a masculine given name used in England following the Reformation (Withycombe, 3rd edition, p. 204); it was most recently registered by the College of Arms July 2005. The client has been trying to find a given name as close to Malock/Mallock/Malok/Malock as possible, and this seems somewhat closer than Malkolm; any insights to other possible names would be gratefully entertained. The Tay is a river in Scotland, the longest in the United Kingdom ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Tay ). If registered, his current name is to be released. 18. Marianna di Bartolomeo de Rosa: NEW NAME The name is Italian. Marianna is a feminine given name found in “Feminine Given Names from the Online Catasto of Florence of 1427,” Arval Benicoeur ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/catasto/ ). Bartolomeo is shown as a patronymic in “Italian Renaissance Men's Names,” Ferrante LaVolpe ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ferrante/catasto/pater.txt ). Originally submitted without the di, one doesn’t find unmarked patronymics in Italian (according to Albion), and di Bartolomeo is closer to the client original submission than the family name Bartolomei, which is found numerous times in the Florentine Tratte data ( http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/SURNAM1.html ). Rosa is found as a place name "Mercator's Place Names of Italy in 1554," Maridonna Benvenuti ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/maridonna/mercator/ ) in the section on "Southern Italy and Sardinia". Originally submitted as of Rosa, this violates RfS III.1.a by combining English of with Italian Rosa in the same phrase; a wholly Italian form is da Rosa. The client desires a feminine name and is most interested in the language/culture of the name. 19. Marianna di Bartolomeo da Rosa: NEW DEVICE Sable, a snowy owl contourny argent and a bordure ermine. Although the client has provided information to demonstrate that the snowy owl is a rather ubiquitous species, occurring in both the Old and New Worlds, it is blazoned here as argent, which might more simply result in its being blazoned as an owl...argent. Still, the single word added to the blazon doesn’t seem to be a real problem. When considering Myfanwy Branwen of Dindyrn, Gules, a raven close contourny argent and a bordure ermine., there is a CD for the field and one for the type of bird.;. Aíbgréne Rose, Sable, an owl contourny argent, clutching a rose fesswise reversed, slipped and leaved proper, in canton a roundel, all within a bordure argent., there's a CD for the tincture of the bordure and one for removing the roundel; and Margarethe Bogenschützin, Per bend sinister sable and purpure, an owl argent within a bordure ermine., there's a CD for the field and one for the orientation of the bird. 20. Rosalinda Gertrude Kesselheim: NEW BADGE Or, on a pale of three lozenges between two peacock feathers vert, three human eyes argent, irised gules. The name was registered December 1999. 21. Tamsyn Stanford: NEW NAME The name is English. Tamsin is found as a feminine given name in a 1601 burial record in “Transcript from the Buckfathleigh Registers” ( http://www.picknowl.com.au/homepages/bobm/webidx.htm ), and Bardsley dates the feminine given name Tamson to 1573 and 1574 (s.n. Tamplin) and Tomasyn to 1557 (s.n. Inkley). "Names from Pre-16th century Brass Inscriptions," Julian Goodwyn ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/brasses/ ) has a Thomasyn dated to 1506; given that there are several dated spellings very close to this, the name ought to be registerable. The most recent Tamsyn registered by the College of Arms was in February 2005. Stanford as an “unenhanced” plain surname (John Stanford) dates to 1332 (Reaney and Wilson, 3rd edition, p. 424). The client is most interested in the sound and spelling of the name; she will not accept major changes. 22. Tighearain Blackwater: NEW BADGE Per pale wavy argent and sable, crusilly formy throughout counterchanged. The client’s name was registered March 1999. 23. Wilhelus le Casse: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, June 2004 Sable, a maunch and a demi-sun issuant from base argent. The name was registered June 2004. His previous submission, Sable, a maunch fracted in pale and issuant from base a demi-sun argent., was returned because “the "maunch fracted" is not identifiable. While it has indeed been redrawn from the previous attempt, the "fracting" still yields the result of appearing to be "two slightly different styles of maunches addorsed rather than a single fracted charge" as noted on the previous return. At any distance the break looks like a straight line and not indented, so the indents obviously need to be drawn more boldly. Part of the identifiability problem also stems from the particular depiction of the maunch. The "shoulder" end of the maunch needs to be drawn to look more obviously like an end that attaches to the rest of the garment, and unmistakably NOT an end that a hand should come out of. If both of the above suggestions are applied successfully, the charge has a much better chance of looking like a single maunch torn in half rather than two maunches addorsed.” Making the maunch a single charge returns its identifiability. This is clear of Blanche Wriotheosley, Sable, a maunch and in chief a cinquefoil argent., with a CD for the type of secondary and another for its placement. I was assisted in the preparation of this letter by Aryanhwy merch Catmael, Helena de Argentoune, Katherine Throckmorton, Knute Hvitabjörn and Maridonna Benevenuti This letter contains 10 new names, 3 new name changes, 7 new devices, 2 new badges, and 1 device resubmission. This is a total of 23 items, 22 of them new. A check to cover fees will be sent separately. Thank you again for your great indulgence and patience, your expertise and your willingness to share it. I remain, Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy c/o Linda Miku 2527 East 3rd Street; Tucson AZ 85716 atensubmissions.nexiliscom.com brickbat@nexiliscom.com Commonly-Cited References Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. Medieval Names Archive. http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ Ó Corráin, Donnchadh and Fidelma Maguire. Irish Names. Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames, 2nd Edition, 1976, reprinted 1979. Withycombe, E.G., The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, 3rd Edition. London, Oxford University Press, 1977. ![]() |