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Kingdom of Atenveldt
1 April 2002, A.S. XXXVI Kingdom of Atenveldt Unto Francois la Flamme, Laurel King of Arms; Mari Elspeth nic Bryan, Pelican Queen of Arms; Zenobia Naphtali, Wreath Queen of Arms; and the commenting Members of the College of Arms, Greetings of the Many and Divers Seasons from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald! Please note the following correction in the 1 March 2002 Atenveldt Letter of Intent, a correction to a submission on the 1 February 2002 Atenveldt LoI: 5. Dayone the Dark: NEW DEVICE Per fess Or and pean, a demi-sun sable charged with a demi-hawk Or. The tinctures of the sun and hawk were reversed (Thanks again, Artemisia! The proof-readers have been sacked.) The Atenveldt College of Heralds requests the consideration and registration of the following names and armory with the College of Arms. Unless specifically stated, the submitter will accept spelling and grammar corrections; assistance in these areas is appreciated. 1. Alex the Scribe: NEW NAME The name is English. Alex as a masculine given name, standing on its own, is seen in 1547 on a brass inscription in "English Names from Pre-1600 Brass Inscriptions," Julian Goodwyn (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/brasses/). Alexander itself dates back in England to the Curia Rolls 1189 (Withycombe, p. 13). Scribe is an occupational byname for a public official who keeps accounts, dates to 1382 in the COED. 2. Alicia Boccaccio de Venetzia: NEW NAME The name is Italian. Alicia is derived from the Old French Aliz and subsequently Latinized to Alicia in France and England (pp. 15-16 Withycombe); while I fail to find it as an Italian given name, interactions between France and Italy would argue it being taken into Italy. The surname Boccaccio is found in "Italian Names from Florence, 1427" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ferrante/catasto/). Venetzia seems to be a form of Venice, although "Mercator's Place Names of Italy in 1554, Northern Italy," by Maridonna Benvenuti (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/maridonna/mercator/north.html) demonstrates it as Venetia. A quick net search suggests that Venetzia is the modern form of the name. 3. Alicia Boccaccio de Venetzia: NEW DEVICE Paly bendy argent and sable, a nine-armed menorah and a bordure Or. Correspondence from Julie Stampnitzky suggests that the nine-armed Chanukah menorah is post-period, as opposed to the seven-armed temple menorah. Both she (and I) think that a nine-armed candelabrum is an acceptable charge, however, should a blazon alteration be required. (I admit that when I think of a menorah, I envision all the candles set in a single row; the term candelabrum reminds me in a frightfully strong manner of a spidery arrangement of candles, a la Liberace). 4. al-Zarqa' Kanz Chaninai bint Ibrahim ibn Rashid: NEW NAME The name is Arabic and Aramaic. The name means "the blue-eyed maiden Chaninai, daughter of Abraham, son of Rashid." Documentation for this construction is found in "Arabic Naming Practices And Period Names List," by Da'ud ibn Auda (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/daud/arabic-naming/), The lakab (al-Zarqa' Kanz) is a combination of words into a cognomen or epithet which describes the person, and al-Zarqa', "blue-eyed," is found in Da'ud's article. While Kanz ("maiden") appears to be the Arabic term for "hand-maiden/servant," an occupational epithet (Amnesty International Report on Afghanistan, http://www.amnesty-usa.org/ailib/aireport/ar99/asa11.htm), Annemarie Schimmel also cites it as a byname associated with Fatima, daughter of the Prophet (Islamic Names, Edinburgh University Press, p. 36, 44). Chaninai is the 'ism, the personal name. It is an Aramaic name used by medieval Jews ("Database of Medieval Jewish Names," by Julie Stampnitzky, http://www.yucs.org/~jules/names/main.html). Aramaic is Semitic language close to Hebrew, and given the proximity of cultures that might've encountered this language and its names, it could have possibly crossed into Arabic naming practice. (The submitter's original desired name is Chani, a name we have been unable to find anywhere as a period feminine given name. If it could be justified as an Arabic feminine name or something compatible, she would appreciate it. We still wonder...where did Frank Herbert "borrow" it from?) The nasab/patronymic elements, Ibrahim (the Arabic form of the name of the Hebrew's forefather Abraham) and Rashid, are found in Da'ud's article. 5. al-Zarqa' Kanz Chaninai bint Ibrahim ibn Rashid: NEW DEVICE Per fess argent and sable, on a fess gules a scimitar fesswise and in base a snake involved in annulo argent. 6. Brendan mac Artuir: NEW NAME CHANGE, from "Brendan mac Artuir ap Alan" The currently-registered name was registered in July 1985. The submitter wishes to drop the Welsh element of the name. 7. Brenna MacGhie of Kintyre: NEW NAME CHANGE from Brenda MacGhie of Kintyre The previous submission, Brenna MacGhie of Kintyre, was styled as a name appeal in the 1 September 2001 Atenveldt LoI, and the CoA returned it January 2002, citing that it is really a name change and must be submitted as such. In its return, the CoA mentioned that Brenna MacGhie of Kintyre is registerable. Mixing Italian and Scots in a name was ruled on in August 1999: "While there is little evidence for mixed Scots/Italian names, there is enough contact between the cultures for this to be allowable. It is, however, a "weirdness." (Laertes McBride, A-Caid, LoAR 08/99)." Brennus is the name of a Gallic (Galatian) warlord-prince, c. 279. This tribe plagued both Greece and Rome, and at times was under Rome's protection (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06336a.htm). Brenna is the feminization of this masculine given name. MacGhie is a Scottish surname, from the Irish MacAoidh (Black, p. 496). Kintyre is a peninsula on the western coast of Scotland. 8. Conal O'Maccus: NEW BADGE (fieldless) Two arrows crossed in saltire surmounted by a double-bladed axe Or. The name appears in the 1 October 2001 Atenveldt Letter of Intent. Against Sean Ruabarua MacGillaphaidraic, Vert, an axe Or., and Nikolai of Trakai, Vert, two arrows inverted in saltire surmount by a tower Or., there is 1 CD for fieldlessness and 1 CD for the addition of (in the first case) or change of (in the second case) a group of co-primary charges. 9. Franziska Gerdrudis Kesselheim: NAME CORRECTION The submitter's name was registered by the CoA as Francesca Gerdrudis Kesselheim in the November 2001 LoAR, with the comment that the fully German Franziska Gerdrudis Kesselheim would be more authentic. The submitter requests that the name be modified to this totally German form. 10. Gwendolyn MacLaran: NEW NAME Withycombe cites Guendolen/Gwendolyn as a borrowed feminine Welsh given name, originally seen in Wales as Guenddoleu (p. 140). Both Gwendolyn and Gwendolen forms are popular SCA names, and the submitter prefers the former spelling. MacLaran (found under MacLaren, and undated, in Black, pp. 534-5), is a Scottish surname; it is dated to 1592 in English used in Reaney and Wilson (p. 292). 11. Ian the Hunter: NEW NAME Ian is a Scots Gaelic form of John (Withycombe, pp. 178-9). The byname is an occupational surname; additionally, Hunter can be found undated in Reaney and Wilson, Revised Edition, 1997, p. 244. 12. Iron Wood Loch, Shire of: BADGE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 4/95 Gules, a Latin cross throughout parted and fretted argent interlaced with an annulet Or. The name was registered June 1995. This badge, which differs from the group arms by the removal of the required laurel wreath, was returned for conflict with the real-world arms of Duxbury, Gules, a cross voided argent (Papworth, p. 612). While this is a conflict by our count of differences, Duxbury does not appear in the S.C.A. Armorial and Ordinary, as such, this seems to indicate that the arms of Duxbury are not considered "important" enough to protect by the CoA. We ask that the College reconsiders this submission. 13. Ismenia O'Mulryan and Cosmo Craven the Elder: BADGE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 1/02 Per bend sinister argent and ermine, a bend sinister and in dexter chief a skeletal hand fesswise reversed sable. The names were both registered in March 1999. The original submission was returned for redrawing. The bend sinister was too narrow and there were far too many ermine spots; those problems have been rectified. 14. Kristoff McLain Cameron: NEW DEVICE CHANGE Per pale argent and sable, two closed books palewise counterchanged, a chief triangular Or. The name was registered August 1991. This no longer conflicts with the device of the College of Saint Felix (Per pale argent and sable, two closed books palewise counterchanged, on a chief triangular Or a laurel wreath vert.), as these arms for the College were released and new ones registered by the CoA December 2001. If registered, the submitter's currently-registered device (Azure, a Great Dane statant Or, on a chief dovetailed argent three thistles proper.) is to be retained as a badge. 15. Morgan MacOwain of Staghold: NEW NAME While Morgan is a popular Welsh masculine given name ("A Simple Guide to Constructing 16th Century Welsh Names (in English Contexts)," Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/welsh16.html), particularly in the SCA, it is also found in rare cases as a Scottish name, seen in the variants Morgund (c. 1239) and Morgrun (1214), according to Black, p. 611. Owain is another Welsh masculine given name (seen in the above Tangwystyl article as Owen and Owein). Withycombe shows the Owain spelling as a variation seen in medieval romances (p. 237). Unfortunately, Owain doesn't seem to have made the passage to Scotland, so rendering the name into a Scots Gaelic form, rather than a more typical Welsh form (as Morgan ap Owain or Morgan Owain) might be a problem. Staghold is a coined locative. Stagg/e is an English surname, "stag" (Reaney and Wilson, p. 330), Stagge dating to 1243. Hold is an archaic form of "stronghold" (Wester's New World Dictionary of the American Language); this could be considered a stronghold or fortification noted for wildlife in the region. Staghold is also the most important element of the name. The submitter will accept no major changes to the name. 16. Morgan MacOwain of Staghold: NEW DEVICE Sable, a stag's massacre surmounted by a sword inverted argent. 17. Sáerlaith á Beare: NEW NAME The name is Irish. Sáerlaith is a feminine given name, pp. 160-1, Ó Corráin and Maguire. The use of locative bynames in Gaelic names is very rare ("Quick and Easy Gaelic Names ," 3rd Edition, Sharon L. Krossa, http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/), but it doesn't appear to be non-existent. The Beare Peninsula and Beare Island are located on the coast of western Cork County. I've found it also spelled as Bere and Beara (http://www.county-cork.com/cork_map.htm), and one site shows is as Bearé (http://www.kerryweb.ie/kerrywebguestbeare.htm). While I'm including the element á, the submitter maintaining that this is Irish Gaelic for "of" or "from," I don't know if that is the case, or if an Irish Gaelic locative byname would use the preposition. 18. Sáerlaith á Beare: NEW DEVICE Per pale pean and vert, in sinister a bear rampant, an orle Or. 19. Sean of the South: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 7/00 Quarterly vert and or, two crosses bottony Or. The name was registered April 2000. This is a complete redesign from his original submission. 20. Steffan of the Close: NEW BADGE Purpure, on a saltire between in pale two lilies and in fess two lions' heads erased respectant Or a saltorel purpure. The name was registered February 1997. 21. Treasaigh Callan: CHANGE OF HOLDING NAME from Teresa of Sundragon, from Laurel, 4/01 The previous name submission, Teresa Callan, was returned for mixing Irish and Spanish names (July 1997 precedent), as Teresa was not used in the British Isles until after the period scope of the S.C.A. The name is Irish. Treasaigh is found Edward MacLysaght's Irish Families: Their Names, Arms and Origins, p. 289 (under (O) Tracey, Treacy), from the Old Irish family name Ó Treasaigh. This is corroborated in Woulfe's Irish Names and Surnames, p. 654. Ó Corráin and Maguire show that the original masculine given name that gave rise to this family name is Tressach/Treasach, pp. 172-3. We are unsure how/when/why the shift in spelling occurred between the given name and its use as a family name; the submitter is aware that this is originally a masculine name and is interested in it in order to get a name with a pronunciation close to Treasa. Callan is an Irish family name, found in MacLysaght's The Surnames of Ireland, p. 40. This letter contains 7 new names, 2 new name changes, 1 holding name change, 1 name correction, 4 new devices, 1 new device change, 2 new badges, 1device resubmission and 2 badge resubmissions. This is a total of 21 items. A check to cover fees will be sent separately. I remain, Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy c/o Linda Miku 2527 East 3rd Street; Tucson AZ 85716 atensubmissions.nexiliscom.com Commonly-Cited References Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. MacLysaght, E. The Surnames of Ireland. Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 1991. Ó Corráin, Donnchadh and Fidelma Maguire. Irish Names. Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames, 2nd Edition, 1976, reprinted 1979. Withycombe, E.G., The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, 3rd Edition. London, Oxford University Press, 1977. ![]() |