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Kingdom of Atenveldt
1 August 2001, A.S. XXXVI Kingdom of Atenveldt Unto Dame Elsbeth Anne Roth, Laurel Queen of Arms; Master Pietari Pentipoika, Pelican King of Arms; to the Laurel Sovereign Designate and His Staff; and the commenting Members of the College of Arms, Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald! Please note the following alteration from the 1 May 2001 Atenveldt Letter of Intent: 8. Elzbieta Rurikovna: NEW DEVICE Per pale azure, ermined argent, and argent, ermined azure, a cross formy counterchanged. The submitter asks that this submission be withdrawn from consideration. A new device submission will be found in this LoI. Please note the following addendum from the 1 July 2001 Atenveldt Letter of Intent: 3. Francesca Geredrudis Kesselheim: NAME RESUBMISSION from Laurel 2/01 Francesca was not documented. It is the Italian form of the given name Francis/Frances, found in “Feminine Given Names from the Online Catasto of Florence of 1427,” Arval Benicoeur ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/catasto/ ). The rest of the name is German and was documented in the LoI.
The Atenveldt College of Heralds requests the consideration and registration of the following names and armory with the College of Arms. Unless specifically stated, the submitter will accept spelling and grammar corrections; assistance in these areas is appreciated. 1. Andrew of Greyhorse: NEW NAME Andrew is a saint’s/apostle’s name, and it was very popular in medieval England, as evidenced by over 650 churches dedicated to St. Andrew (Withycombe, pp. 23-4). Grayhorse is an attested tavern name, dated to the time of Henry VII, found in Bardsley, p. 334, “English Sign Names,” Mari Elspeth nic Bryan ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/inn/). 2. Andrew of Greyhorse: NEW DEVICE Quarterly sable and argent, in pale a pair of open shackles and a tankard counterchanged. 3. Ceara inghean uí Bheirichtir : NAME RESUBMISSION, Laurel June 2001 The previous name submission Ciara inghaen uí Bleithir, was returned for no documentation of the patronymic; misspelling of the participle; and use of a modern Anglicisation of a Latinisation of Ciar, Ceara or Ciarnait. The submitter has followed the CoA’s suggestions as to remedying the name. The name is Irish Gaelic. Ceara is a more modern spelling of the female given name Cera (p. 50, Ó Corráin and Maguire). Beirichtir is also found in Ó Corráin and Maguire, p. 30. This was an alternative, documented name suggested by the College. According to Sharon Krossa’s “Quick and Easy Gaelic Names” ( http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames), the standard way to form a woman’s name using an Irish clan affiliation byname is <single given name> inghean uí<eponymous clan ancestor’s name (in genitive case and always lenited)>, which means for the submitter, Ceara daughter of a male descendant of Beirichtir. We think that the spelling change of Bheirichtir to show the genitive lenition is correct. If registered, this should be associated with the device submission which appears in the 1 April 2001 Atenveldt Letter of Intent: 7. Ciara inghaen uí Bheithir: Per fess wavy vert and sable, in pale a dolmen and two unicorns combattant argent.
4. Desideratus of York: NEW NAME Desideratus was the name of the last Lombard king of Italy and of a 7th C. French saint; it was common in the Middle Ages and found in England, probably as an ecclesiastical name, in 1200 (Withycombe, p. 83). York is a city in medieval England, according to “A Collection of 613 English Borough Names for Use in Locative Bynames,” Frederic Badger ( http://www.s-gabrial.org/names/badger/placenames.html). 5. Desideratus of York: NEW DEVICE Argent, a cross purpure between in chief two eagles displayed and two clay pipes palewise sable.
The Pictorial Dictionary states that the standard SCA pipe is a long-stemmed clay pipe, as is depicted here, and this form of pipe was manufactured in England as early as 1575–hence it is a period artifact and can be used as an heraldic charge. 6. Dirk van het Muiderslot: NEW BADGE Or, a spear interlaced with a longbow fesswise, a bordure azure.
The name submission appears in the 1 May 2001 Atenveldt LoI.
7. Elzbieta Rurikovna: DEVICE RESUBMISSION (change of device in submission) Argent, a cross formy, on a chief azure three crosses formy argent.
Her name submission appears in the 1 May 2001 Atenveldt Letter of Intent. She asks that her current device submission which appears in the 1 May 2001 Atenveldt LoI, be withdrawn from consideration.
8. Heinrich von Swartzenberg: NEW NAME The name is German. Heinricus is found in “German Given Names 1200-1250,” by Talan Gwynek ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/germ13/). The author notes in the Introduction that it is unlikely the Latin forms of the name was used in everyday life and suggests the “element -ricus most often represents -rich (e.g. Heinrich from Heinricus).” Correspondence from the Academy of Saint Gabriel comments that several places in medieval Germany were called Schwarzberg of Schwarzenburg, and that by the end of the 13th C. (the submitter desires a German name 11th-13th C.), spellings beginning with Swartz- are also possible. This spelling of one of several German placenames seems reasonable. ( http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/showfinal.cgi?2218). 9. Heinrich von Swartzenberg: NEW DEVICE Per pale azure and argent, a lion couchant contourny guardant Or maintaining a sword gules, an orle of Maltese crosses counterchanged. 10. Jennen the Cooper: NEW NAME The name is English. Jennen couldn’t be found in this spelling as a given name. However, the English surname Jennens is related to the surname Jennings, which comes from Norman given names seen in Janyn le Breton (1332) and Jenyn de Fraunce (1379); both of these are found in Reaney and Wilson, p. 196 (under Jennings). I suspect that Jenyn has a very close pronunciation to Jennen. Cooper is an occupational byname (p. 82 , Reaney and Wilson), and it is also the submitter’s legal surname. 11. Jennen the Cooper : NEW DEVICE Vert, a chevron rompu and on a chief argent, two turtles tergiant fesswise vert. 12. Rurik Levushka Ul’yanov: NAME RESUBMISSION Laurel, February 1998 The original submission, Leonide Rurikov Dainiovich, was returned for name documentation and construction problems. This name is Russian as well. Rurik was the ruler of Novgorod c. 860, when the Varangians began settling the Russian and Ukranian States, according to The Russian Primary Chronicle ( http://www.dur.ac.uk/~dml0www/vikings.html). Levushka is a diminutive of Lev, found in “A Dictionary of Period Russian Names”, Paul Wickenden of Thanet (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/paul/t-u.html ). Ul’ianov is the patronymic form of Ul’ian, itself a variant of Iul’ian, also found in “A Dictionary of Period Russian Names ”. The slight spelling variation is (hopefully) a reasonable one. The practice of baptismal name + common/everyday name + patronymic is cited in the Introduction of “Paul Goldschmidt's Dictionary of Russian Names - Grammar” (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/paul/zgrammar.html ). 13. Rurik Levushka Ul’yanov: DEVICE RESUBMISSION Laurel, February 1998 Ermine, a lion dormant contourny gules, a bordure azure.
The original armorial submission, Ermine a lion dormant to sinister gules., conflicted with. Glanwyn Ty Meillionen, Ermine, an African lion cub couchant guardant gules, in its teeth the stem of a four leafed shamrock vert. There was only 1 CD for reversing the orientation of the feline. Adding the bordure eliminates the conflict with the armory cited. 14. Saint Felix, College of (University of Arizona): NEW CHANGE OF DEVICE Per pale gules and azure, a scroll bendwise argent, ribboned sable, within a laurel wreath Or.
The name was registered October 1990.
If registered, the currently held arms, Per pale argent and sbale, two closed books palewise counterchanged, in a chief triangular Or a laurel wreath vert., is to be released. 15. Saint Felix, College of: NEW CHANGE OF BADGE (badge) Per pale gules and azure, a scroll bendwise argent, ribboned sable.
The name was registered October 1990.
If registered, the currently held badge, (fieldless) A closed book bendwise sinister sable, clasped and pendant from a chain Or., is to be released. 16. Sarra del Oke: NEW NAME Sarra is found in Curia Rolls 1189-1215, a Biblical/Hebrew name used as a Christian name in England from the 12th C. (Withycombe, pp. 263-4, under “Saha(h)”). del Oke is dated to 1275 as an English surname (Reaney and Wilson, p. 327, under “Oak, Oake”). 17. Sarra del Oke: NEW DEVICE Vert, in fess three oak leaves Or, and in base a rose argent, barbed and seeded Or. 18. Selim Murad: NEW NAME Selim is the name of three Ottoman Turkish sultans (Selim I, 1467-1520, Webster’s Biographical Dictionary). This might also be related to the Arabic masculine name Salim, found in “Arabic Naming Practices And Period Names List,” by Da'ud ibn Auda ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/daud/arabic-naming/ ). Murad is the name of a river in eastern Turkey, which, with the Kara River, forms the Euphrates ( http://www.encyclopedia.com/articles/04270.html ) , so this could be considered a locative byname. Murad III was also a Turkish sultan, the son of Sultan Selim II (http://encarta.msn.com/index/conciseindex/36/0367D000.htm?z=1&pg=2&br=1). I don’t know if the combination of these names is “too close” or could be construed as presumptous (which would be connoted with a kunya (an honorific name, as the father or mother of certain persons ), at least in Arabic naming practice), or if it could be a geographical hisba, derived from a place of birth (a village near the river Murad? al-Muradi?) Information on Arabic naming conventions is taken from “Arabic Naming Practices And Period Names List,” Da'ud ibn Auda . How different are Turkish naming practices from Arabic ones? The blazon is rather inelegant, but I want to convey the orientation of the three charges (one and two, rather than a default two and one ). 19. Selim Murad: NEW DEVICE Azure, three crescents in annulo, horns to center, one and two, Or.
The blazon is rather inelegant, but I want to convey the orientation of the three charges (one and two, rather than a default two and one). 20. Willahelm Franz Kesselheim: NEW NAME Willahelm is an Old German masculine name, from which William, Wilhelm, and their likes are derived (Withycombe, pp. 293-4). Franz is the German form of Francis (ibid., pp. 120-1). Kesselheim is a coined byname, “kettle-home,” possibly a reference to a tinker or ironworker. It has been previously registered to Rosalinda Gertrude Kesselheim, in December 1999. This letter contains 7 new names, 7 new devices, and 2 new badges, 2 name resubmissions, and 2 device resubmissions. A check to cover fees will be sent separately. I remain, Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy c/o Linda Miku 2527 East 3rd Street; Tucson AZ 85716 atensubmissions.nexiliscom.com:80/ References Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. Ó Corráin, Donnchadh and Fidelma Maguire. Irish Names. MacLysaght, E. The Surnames of Ireland . Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 1991. Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Withycombe, E.G., The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, 3rd Edition. London, Oxford University Press, 1977. ![]() |